Sunday, February 19, 2012

SDF Legislators decision made my day

 - K.C.Pradhan, Former Chief Secretary, Sikkim
The decision made by the Legislators of the ruling party that separate directorate of primary education should be created is a landmark decision which all, irrespective of party affiliation or otherwise, should commend.  This combined with decision to send best of our children from nooks and corners of Sikkim selected at class V level to send to best of educational institutions in the country speaks volume. That is the best investment we are possibly making. Sending ultimately 1000 children on an annual basis to pursue class education with put Sikkim in high pedestal within next 10 to 20 years is noble thought. The process of sending 50, 100 and 200 for last here years is already on. Even if we stick to 200 per year the number will be 1400 when the first batch attains their Class XII. In other words it will cost good rupees two hundred crores at conservative estimate annually once the first batch attains Class XII. This expenditure, rather investment, is unparallel and worth pursuing even we have to kept in abeyance all grandiose schemes of no immediate benefit- rather locking up a capital at a time when investment will give better dividends by way of skilled manpower- the skill with which our children can conquer the world in any sphere and in any place they ventured into and make Sikkim proud. Where in the world such opportunity prevails ? The vision is both bold and commendable and there should be no two opinions. The decision maker could consider making an Educational Endowment Fund to sustain it in perpetuity so that there will be no uncertainly or dearth of resources for such right cause. Possibly many, both individual and organizations, would like to contribute.

.  While I was heading the Education Dept for a year in early 1980s, I realized the need for a better deal to our children in their impressionist age. Due to lack of space the children had to attend the morning shift and allowed to go home to do all sorts of mischief in their neighborhood- not because of their  inherent trait but because there were no avenues to vent their energies . Had it been in Soviet Union of the yesteryears they could go to Pioneer Clubs established in every village to pursue their interest from playing various musical instruments to singing to dancing to swimming etc. We were pleasantly entertained by school kids in Alma Ata Pioneer Club giving us a glimpse of dance of bharat natyam acted by children – all below 7 years of age. Some were busy cooking with kids draped with neat apron and some learning to play chess and many guarding the monuments of martyrs in rotation well uniformed looking like little well decorated soldiers rather generals. After disintegration of the Union what has become of the Pioneer Clubs, I wonder but it was definitely well thought of idea worth emulating.

In 2000 I happened to be a member in the State Planning Commission. I was the only non-economists.  Taking my past experience in short stint in Education and where I realized 70 of our children go in primary education, I broached the idea of creating a separate directorate of Primary Education with decentralized power. The idea was nipped in the bud on the pleas the money is more important for higher education.  Mine was a lone voice and felt sad but kept quite.  On this happy occasion it is good to remember exalted teachers like late Mrs. D.C. Lucksum, Late Mrs. B.B. Gooroong and others who were the epitome of primary education in Sikkim. It was the former who taught me the three Rs.

To know our Legislators have come of age in decision making process without having to import expertise from outside is heartening. They are grasped with ground reality and with sensitized populace who can interact decisively at any level and any field is real dawning of democracy. If sections of the people have grievances to make it is good to come out openly with facts and figures and alternative solutions for the people at large to judge and give the right verdict. It is wrong to make the right wrong just for the shake of hoodwinking the people. The world is moving very fast and to catch up we have to have to run against the time. Time and tides wait for no one.

Let our children work hard and strive to be better citizen for tomorrow with all the opportunities around which rarely come even in advanced countries. The world is large but highly competitive. If our children in equipped with best of education and knowledge they can do wonder as many of our children who are already making a dent in advanced countries like UK, USA and Australia is the case in point.

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