Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Governor Patil addresses House, in Nepali!

GANGTOK, 23 June: Governor Shriniwas Dadasaheb Patil delivered his maiden address to the Sikkim Legislative Assembly, making a first ever gesture which should go down well with all Sikkimese, of presenting the introductory and concluding remarks in Nepali.
This was not the usual token doff to the language of limiting it to greetings, but included a rather detailed introduction to the budget, highlighting its key features and thrust areas and the concluding remarks, although brief, included words, the enunciation of which would have challenged even regular Nepali speakers.
As for the 23-page Gubernatorial address, it spelled out the SDF Government’s roadmap for the present term, with the Governor announcing that the budget was committed to end the rural-urban divide, provide more and improved infrastructure and reliable physical connectivity to ensure rapid socioeconomic development.
The Governor pointed out that Sikkim has made commendable progress and has achieved many milestones; the GSDP growth rate of the State of Sikkim has been 22.8% in the 11th plan with per capita growth of 19.12% at constant prices which is the highest in the country.
He also stated how the government has launched 23 missions such as Sikkim 100% literate mission, Sikkim Organic Mission 2015, Sikkim Poverty Free Mission etc with 2020 as the target year of completion.
He further informed that his government has as an ambitious target of eradicating poverty from the state in the next five years and also added how these missions have been designed and defined to bring about comprehensive development in all sectors and affirmed that it is the earnest endeavor of his government to work sincerely and complete all the missions as envisaged.
The Government, he assured, would strive to increase and improve production and marketing of organic produce and also promote employment and income opportunities.
“The law and order situation in the State is one of the best, due to which Sikkim is also one of the most peaceful States in the country. It is also India’s fast developing and most progressive State. I congratulate the people and the Government of Sikkim for achieving this landmark distinction and I am confident that this atmosphere will be continued in future,” he detailed.
He also called on the law makers in the House as also the people at large to “not rest on our past achievements and laurels but continue to strive hard and achieve the future goals at hand”.
“We must pursue vigorously with Government of India on all issues that have been highlighted and are of significance to the State of Sikkim,” he said.
The discussion on Motion of Thanks on the Governor’s address will be taken up on 24 June, 2014.

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