
Friday, May 30, 2014


GANGTOK, 29 May: No official confirmation has yet been received on the fate of the 778 teaching and non-teaching staff hired under Sarva Siksha Abhiyan (SSA) in the state. Despite assurances by the HRD Department and the State Government in the past, members of All Sikkim Sarva Siksha Abhiyan Adhoc Employees Welfare Society (ASSSAAEWS) are still ‘clueless’, and worried, with no official order/ notification issued even after the formation of the new government.
A delegation of the employees led by the organization’s president, Yogesh Gurung, and general secretary, Tenzing Chopel Bhutia, tried to meet the Chief Minister in this regard this morning but failed to lay down their grievances with the CM who is also the President, SSA Sikkim State Mission since he was occupied with other appointments and meetings.
Speaking to NOW! today, the employees highlighted their despair and frustration on the issue, underlining that it concerned their livelihood and also the future of the thousands of students in all the SSA Upgraded schools and Gram Vikas Kendras throughout the state.
“The Chief Minister is also the president of the SSASSM with the Chief Secretary as the chairperson which is why we decided to call on the CM today but were unable to since he was extremely busy with other appointments. However, we will try and meet him soon as he is the person who has understood our problems and has also assured us our dues,” stated the president, Yogesh Gurung.
He added that the association’s list of demands put up before the Principal Secretary, HRD, before the elections are still pending since the state government had not issued an office order regarding the same even after repeated verbal assurances.
“We are a disturbed lot as we have no future until the office order comes. Our lives are on hold because of this. We were always assured that our demands would be fulfilled which is why we waited peacefully till the model code of conduct was lifted and refrained from making our issue a political one,” explains  the general secretary, Tenzing Chopel.
He added here that the meeting of the Project Approval Board (PAB), Government of India held on 06 March 2014 at Guwahati had also decided in their favor and as per the minutes of the meeting, it had been approved by the central government that all 778 existing employees be retained for the academic year 2014-15.
“However, we waited in anticipation for the new government to be formed so that our office orders are issued but that has not happened till now. Throughout we were assured by the government that as soon as the model code of conduct is lifted and the new government takes charge our demands would be fulfilled but we are still uncertain about our future,” said the general secretary.
The employees in the meantime have requested the CM to carry out all necessary positive actions since the future of the employees and students in schools still running without adequate staff is at stake.

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