
Friday, May 30, 2014

Sikkim Liberation Party reiterates need for stronger protections for Sikkimese

GANGTOK, 29 May: Sikkim Liberation Party has stated that the security of Sikkimese people, who, the party insists, were “deceitfully” merged with India, must be ensured in constitutional, moral and ethical manner. The party has further said that the opposition parties should desist from supporting “anti-Sikkimese” people for their petty political interests.
In a press release, chairman of the party, Duk Nath Nepal has condemned the recent “act of vengeance” by members of the municipalities. “We support anyone whose act is in the larger interest of the Sikkimese people duly recognised by the Constitution of India, but if the act is being perpetuated as an instrument of vendetta, Sikkim Liberation Party will and cannot support such act”, he has said.
In a recent incident, Gangtok Municipal Corporation Deputy Mayor Shakti Singh along with councilor Udai Lama and some others are accused of misbehaving with hawkers at Lall Bazaar. Following this three GMC councilors had said that they were only trying to ensure that hawkers from “outside” do not encroach upon the space allotted for Sikkimese hawkers.
On the current debate on repealing Article 370 which allots special status to the State of Jammu & Kashmir, the party states that Sikkim and Nagaland also enjoy similar constitutional sanctity and warns both the State and the Centre not to play with such a sensitive issue. Sikkim Liberation Party warns that much to the dislike and inconvenience that has been created by the Centre, it also is a Damocles sword hanging against the ethnic Sikkimese people, the release states.

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