
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Vajra Guru Kangshyak held at Silnon Monastery

GANGTOK, 30 Oct: A five-day Vajra Guru Kangshyak puja was organised by the Puja Committee of Silnon Monastery,Tashiding, West Sikkim from 22 to 26 October for those who lost their lives in the recent earthquake and for world peace, informs a press release.
The chog offerings, butter lamp offerings, prayers and recitation of Vajra Guru Mantras were conducted under the guidance of Reshung Tshampola, the release informs. Sangay Palbar led the recitation of the vajra guru mantra.
The monks of the monastery, nyongnay anyos and people from surrounding areas of Silnon, Gangyap, Chungrang, Mangthiang etc actively participated in the puja and Vajra Guru Mantra recitation.
The local public, monks and other devotees had made contributions both in cash and kind for organizing the prayers, the release mentions.  Panchayat member Dawa Lepcha, Lasso-Tashiding gram panchayat, Sonam Gyatsho Chaktha, Sangay Chundup, members, Chaktha Rinpoche's Foundation and the youth of the area worked tirelessly for the puja.
The puja committee expresses deep gratitude to all involved in the puja, the release adds.

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