
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

SU Assistant Prof selected as a Visiting Associate at IUCAA

GANGTOK, 30 Oct: Assistant Professor in the Department of Physical Sciences, Sikkim University, Dr. Hemam Dinesh Singh, has been selected as a Visiting Associate of IUCAA (Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics), Pune, for a period of three years from 2011-14, informs a press release from the University.
As part of the Associateship Programme, this year IUACAA has selected 14 new Visiting Associates from all over India. The purpose of this programme is to help university and college faculty members in their research projects and to encourage interaction between them and the IUACCA faculty, the release informs.
The selected faculty members visit IUCAA for specified periods on teaching, research and development activities in astronomy and astrophysics.
Dr. Singh completed his PhD in Physics from the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, and has published 14 research papers in international journals, such as Journal of Geophysical Research, Physics of Plasmas, Solar Physics etc. so far.
The field of his research work includes solar wind turbulence, coronal heating and auroral particle accelerations. Under this program, he will be involved in the study of Sun–Earth connection and its effects, and magnetic reconnection in space plasma, the release further informs.

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