
Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Training on management of Mandarin and Guava saplings

GANGTOK, 12 Aug: Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Gyaba, West Sikkim conducted day-long training on “Management of Mandarin and Guava sapling” at Panchayat Bhawan, Malbasey, West Sikkim on 11 August 2014.
As per a press release, around 25 farmers of Malbasey attended the training programme which was chaired by Panchayat Secretary, Til Bahadur Rai.
Subject Matter Specialist in Horticulture, Sangay Palmoo Bhutia discussed organic farming, its benefits and consequences with the farmers and later briefed them about management practices undertaken in setting up of Orchard.
The farmers were also introduced to the technology of “High Density Planting” of Guava fruit tree and explained the basic steps starting from orchard planning, layout, spacing required, manuring, training and pruning till harvesting and the technology of HDP requirement in coming days of Sikkim scenario. The programme ended with interactive session and vote of thanks from Panchayat, Malbasey.

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