
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

CHIEF MINISTER PAWAN CHAMLING’S ADDRESS AT THE 40TH JAWAHARLAL NEHRU NATIONAL SCIENCE, MATHEMATICS AND ENVIRONMENT EXHIBITION AT SARAMSA ON 11 NOV, 2013 “We have made huge sacrifices to keep the State peaceful and our society free from insurgency and political extremism”

Most respected Shri Pranab Mukherjee-ji, Hon’ble President of India, respected Shri Patil-ji, Hon’ble Governor, Sikkim, respected Dr. Shasi Tharoor ji, Hon’ble Union Minister of State for Human Resource Development, Hon’ble Cabinet Ministers of the Government of Sikkim, Chief Secretary, officials, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen.
I am pleased that Sikkim was selected to host the 40th Jawaharlal Nehru National Science, Mathematics and Environment Exhibition. It is indeed a matter of pride that our State has been given this opportunity to host such an important event. It is a testimony to the rapid development strides taken by the Government of Sikkim in promoting quality education in the State. The National Science Exhibition, we are confident, will further expose our children to the latest trends in the scientific world and provide opportunities for exchange of ideas and intellectual growth.
The State Government is committed to promote Science education in Sikkim and this exhibition provides an excellent opportunity for our children to exchange ideas with their counterparts from other States. We have a special incentive scheme for those taking up science subjects at the plus two stages and above. We have also introduced cash incentive of Rs. 1 lakh each who top at the Class XII level in different streams. The State Government has also introduced modern day tools for knowledge expansion including free distribution of Laptops to students with the best configuration. We know that the present day age is driven by science and technology and knowledge and we should not lag behind in providing the best means and environment to help our children acquire the best education. People with knowledge lead society, State and the Nation.
Sikkim has been implementing programmes for universalisation of elementary education for the past two decades with perceptible results. Our literacy rate has increased from 56% in 1994 to over 82% in 2012. Our dropout rate in the primary and upper primary school level has been impressively brought down. We have facilitated higher education of local students by setting up five universities including private and one Central University within the State in both general and technical streams.
In the area of vocational education, Sikkim is the first State to set up Directorate and Institute of Capacity Building and 42 livelihood schools all over the State. In the last two years, we have introduced science stream in 22 senior secondary schools out of the 57 in the State. Free Scholarships under the Chief Minister’s Meritorious Scholarship are being provided to meritorious children of rural areas and smaller towns of the State to study in recognized public schools within and outside the State.
Assistance is provided to students who wish to take up higher education courses in recognized Universities in India and overseas. In fact, one of the more ambitious programs has been free sponsorship to our students securing admission in any one of the twenty top Universities of the world. This scheme is to encourage our young budding scholars to reach up to the world level.
We have also started another unique programme to sponsor Sikkimese educated youths for coaching in civil services, defence services etc. in selected coaching centres across the Country. We have already sponsored our young Sikkimese to undergo extensive coaching in reputed Institutes in the Country. In times to come, we hope to see many candidates from Sikkim making their mark in All India Services and Central Services. In fact, this year three Sikkimese youths have made us proud who have successfully qualified in the UPSC examination and have been allotted respective All India Services. We are eagerly expecting results of Combined Defence Service Examination in December 2013 where our youths have competed.
Under the existing Comprehensive Education Loan scheme, large numbers of our students are availing interest free loan to pursue higher education in Colleges and Universities within and outside the Country. Of course, we would like to see that apart from being educated, our children also develop to be fully responsible citizens- who are conscious of their rights as well as their duties.
One of the themes of this exhibition relates to environment. In Sikkim our developmental pathway is one that ensures sustainability and conservation. Sikkim has abundant natural resources and these have been preserved. Our conservation-oriented policies have resulted in increase of forest cover from 43.95 in 1994 to 47.34% today which is around 4 percent increase over the decades.
I am also happy to state that the overall development scenario has been very impressive in Sikkim. As per the Planning Commission findings, Sikkim has registered a growth rate of 22.8 percent, clearly surpassing growth projection of 6.7 percent during the 11th Plan for the State.
You are kindly aware that Sikkim has its unique historical and socio-cultural background. The Sikkimese people further strengthened the sovereignty and integrity of the Nation in 1975 when Sikkim got integrated into the Indian mainstream based on free choice and collective wishes of the people.
Sikkim, although surrounded by three international borders with Nepal, Bhutan and China, has remained an oasis of peace, security and all-round development and emerged as an exemplary State in the Country.
Sikkim’s hardship as the landlocked State is being further compounded by the statehood demand of Gorkhaland in the Darjeeling district since 1986, through disturbances and disruption caused to our only lifeline 31A National Highway. The Sikkimese people have suffered immensely, adversely affecting our development tempo wherein the cumulative loss we suffered is estimated at over Rs. 5000 crores.
In Sikkim, we have made huge sacrifices to keep the State peaceful, secure, and our society living in communal harmony and religious tolerance, free from insurgency and political extremism. I am happy to state that Sikkim has emerged as the most peaceful and progressive State in this region contributing towards overall progress and development of the Nation.
I am grateful to the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India and NCERT for selecting Sikkim as this year’s venue for the Jawaharlal Nehru National Science, Mathematics & Environment Exhibition.
Before I conclude, I would like to thank our Rashtrapati-ji, Governor Sikkim, Union Minister and officials, for finding time to bless us with your presence and do us this honour. I also convey my best wishes to all the scientists, teachers and students and wish this Exhibition a grand success and wish you all a very pleasant stay in Sikkim.
Thank you
Jai Hind

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