Monday, October 28, 2013

“Let us not only restrain the heartless, but also change their hearts” Intro: Chief Minister Pawan Chamling’s address at the inauguration of Sikkim High Court Auditorium in Gangtok on 15 June, 2011…

Respected Mr Justice P.D.Dinakaran Saheb, Hon’ble Chief Justice of High Court of Sikkim, respected Mr. Justice S.P.Wangdi Saheb, Hon’ble Judge, High Court of Sikkim, Members of the Sikkim Superior Judicial Service, Members of Sikkim Judicial Service, Members of Sikkim State Legal Services Authority, Officers and staff of the Sikkim High Court, President, Bar Association of Sikkim and Members of the esteemed legal fraternity, ladies and gentlemen.
At the outset, I would like to thank all of you for providing me this opportunity and honour to inaugurate the Sikkim High Court Auditorium which inter alia would further promote the cause of peace, tranquility and communal harmony in Sikkim.
Sikkim, by general consensus, is the most peaceful State in the Country. Over the decades, we have been able to provide the best example in terms of maintenance of law and order, citizens’ security and social cohesiveness. Besides being surrounded by three international borders, we have offered the best case of how people living in the border State remain immune to all the fluid socio-political atmosphere prevailing across the border.
Sikkim is the youngest member of the North Eastern Council dedicated towards development of this isolated region connected with the mainland India only through the chicken neck corridor. There still remains this general feeling of neglect among people in the region. However, ever since our inclusion into the Council, we have been able to fulfill the twin objectives of emotional integration of Sikkimese people with the mainstream. And secondly, promote the atmosphere of peace and competitive developmental scenario in the region.
Through our own innovation, we have conceived range of development strategies based on rich natural resources found in the State which is being replicated in many other sister states. This way, we have been able to stabilize hill economy, making significant improvement in all the socio-economic indices of the State and the region.
Rule of law is paramount in the functioning of State Government. In addition to all the democratic dividends, we have devised special program for the deprived section of the people, the poor and the vulnerable. This explains as to why we earmarked 70 percent budget for rural upliftment ever since 1994. This is important in the context of keeping peace anywhere in the world. When there is justice rendered and development happened for all sections of people, peace is the obvious by-product.
All the democratic institutions like the Executive, Judiciary, Legislative and the Fourth Estate are meant to serve the larger interest of the people and the Nation at large. We are all servants to give service to the people and Nation. All these institutions should be utilized for common good and not misused for some sectarian purpose or individual interest. All of us should be responsible including the Indian citizens so that the various provisions available could be properly used for greater well being as part of the democratic dividend.  However, it pains me to recount how in many cases, the democratic provisions are being misused by some vested interest groups. Like for example, in majority of cases, misusing the provision, information under RTI is being sought by vested parties without any real interest to secure any genuine information for any genuine purpose.
When there is good thing happening in the society and the nation, there are multi-dimensional factors acting upon one another to bring about desired socio-economic changes. Collectively all of us must work together and what we gain out of this collective endeavour is the democratic dividend. However, in the contrary, when we fail to act responsibly or any of the democratic organs cares less to act its part fully, we have to collectively suffer democratic deficit to de-stabilize our homes, society, State and the Nation. Therefore, all of us, wherever we are and in whatever role, must be responsible and accountable to the larger interest of the society and the Nation.    
Sikkim, through the active participation of the Hon’ble High Court, the State Government and the        peace-loving citizens, has always remained an oasis of peace, oasis of development and an oasis of progress. I am thankful for the pro-active role played by the Hon’ble High Court in ensuring justice and fairplay in the life of the people.  
With the inauguration of this new Auditorium, we have added one durable infrastructure for the general use and happiness of all the Legal fraternity.  This Auditorium, fully equipped with acoustic system, totally air conditioned with a Judges’ Lounge will help our fellow friends celebrate life in the right ambience and the right spirit.
We are happy about the fact that the Hon’ble High Court of Sikkim has the unique distinction for the speedy and quick disposal of cases in the entire country which itself is an achievement. The other notable feature apart from the speedy and quick disposal of the cases has been that the Members of the Bar are given full opportunity to express their submissions in detail for consideration of the Hon’ble High Court. I am happy that the Hon’ble High Court of Sikkim has been instrumental in over seeing smooth legal redressal to all those seeking justice. The Hon’ble High Court has delivered quick justice to one and all. I am thankful to the Hon’ble High Court for guiding the judicial system in the State.
I am also happy to know that the aggressive movement of legal literacy and awareness programmes embarked upon by the State Legal Services Authority throughout the State, has greatly helped one and all sections of the society to become aware of their rights by creating legal awareness amongst the people.
With the advancement of time and with all the modern means of development instruments, there has been manifold increase in the people’s expectation, their hopes and aspiration. Owing to the process of globalization and liberalization, the Sikkimese society opened itself to outside influence brought about by IT revolution, Home theatre, modern gadgets, mobile phones et al. This is, of course, inevitable in a world which is known more as a global village.
Amidst all the changes, we are essentially the Sikkimese people bound by history, ethnicity, socio-cultural richness and that civilizational legacy of mutual respect, harmony, peace and tranquility.
Martin Luther King, once said: “Judicial decrees may not change the heart, but they can restrain the heartless”
As we move ahead together with our shared value and our shared commitment, we must continue to remain that agent and that force to not only restrain the heartless but also change the heart of the heartless. During the last 17 years, I daresay, we have won the hearts of the heartless and change our society for the better through political fair play, decency in public life and through granting of honourable space to one and all. That means, we have fully honoured the conditions as envisaged under the democratic form of government and the Hon’ble High Court has further added strength and support to all of us in the smooth functioning of government in Sikkim.
We believe in the rule of law and as a democrat I always honour the sanctity of the Honourable High Court. During the last 17 years, we have created many judicial infrastructures both in the capital and in other districts. The sanctity of rule of law being supreme in our mind, the requirements of the Hon’ble Judiciary have always been uppermost in our mind for quick fulfillment as ultimately they are all meant for the welfare of the common man. I assure you of my full cooperation in fulfilling all other requirements to further strengthen the delivery system under the judicial services.
As I record my sincere thanks to the Hon’ble Chief Justice Shri PD Dinakaran Saheb, Hon’ble Justice Shri SP Wangdi Saheb and the entire High Court fraternity, I also seek to congratulate the Hon’ble Chief Justice for providing social services throughout the State apart from regular case disposal. I would also like to congratulate Sikkim State Legal Services Authority for their informative film and also for their praiseworthy services rendered to the common man of the State.
Thank you.
Jai Hind

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