
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Univ dedicated to institutionalizing skill development

GANGTOK, 25 June: The first day of the Budget Session-2012 saw the introduction of the Shri Ramasamy Memorial (SRM) State University Bill of 2012 in the Legislative Assembly today.
The HRD Minister, NK Pradhan, who introduced the Bill, in his statement of objects and reasons, explains that the need for the Bill was felt by the State government since it “realizes that technical and professional education plays a vital role in the human resources development of the state and of the country.”
The SRM State University is aimed at furthering the skill development initiative underway in the State.
As the Bill explains, “by creating skilled manpower, all needs of the industries and other developmental sectors would be met, thereby sustaining the growth and productivity for creation of wealth and prosperity of the nation.”
It was now felt necessary to establish a University that would leverage collaboration with industries and other institutions keeping in view three main points: The first point was that the University would ensure the designing of innovative models, methods, contents and tools for education and training.
Secondly, it would cater to establishing a network of education, training and learning institutions with infrastructure and facilities for imparting knowledge, building of skills and development of competencies leveraging technology, workplace training and innovative solutions. And finally, it would ensure the delivery of programmes and recognition with the award of qualifications upon fulfillment of prescribed requirements and accomplishment of envisaged learning outcomes aligned with the needs of the industrial and other development sectors.
It is further stated that such professional education would allow for flexible ways of acquiring competencies and qualifications as also enable career exploration, development, job transitions and mobility within and across industries and the developmental sector and also facilitate an open and flexible professional education that was dynamic and responsive to the ever-changing needs and advances of technology, education, the workforce, and the economy, incorporating innovative methods, ideas and resources to keep such professional education and training relevant and contemporary.
It was also mentioned that the SRM Group of Educational Institutions that was engaged in educational activities since 1967 in order to fulfill its objective to create and disseminate knowledge to all sections of the society, had proposed to establish a University to pursue the object of providing such professional education and training with a specific focus on Skills and Competency Development aligned with the growing needs of professionals, which is why the government had considered it expedient to establish the SRM University for regular class room education and open, flexible and continuous learning in Sikkim.
The Bill will be taken up for voting and discussions on 27 June.

1 comment:

  1. How many more Universities does the State need.....they have not even been able to give land to one Central Uiv.....and lo and behold this one will get a prime locations in some idyllic location!!!! and has the govt thot on the support system of more water and more sanitation facilities for the number of students thtat the univ will attract!!! wonder which of them has a share in it!!!


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