
Friday, June 29, 2012

Speaker suspends Golay from final day of Budget Session

GANGTOK, 28 June: Speaker, Sikkim Legislative Assembly, KT Gyaltsen, today suspended Upper Burtuk MLA, PS Tamang, from the House for the day taking exception to statements issued by him to the media on the day’s proceedings after he left the Assembly session yesterday. Quoting Rule 317 of the General Rules of Procedure Notices, the Speaker informed Mr. Tamang that he was withdrawn from the House for the day and that his participation in the day’s proceedings were suspended.
When Mr. Tamang, instead of withdrawing from the House, stood up and started challenging the order, the Speaker called in the Marshals and directed them to escort Mr. Tamang, who had by then also pulled out a black scarf of protest, out of the House.
Taking up the ruling on the issue as the first order of legislative business, the Speaker pointed out that Mr. Tamang had been allotted time like other members on both the preceding days to address the house and of how against the allotted time of 15 minutes yesterday, he insisted on speaking for up to 22-25 minutes despite being told not to veer out of context and conclude his remarks. And yet, on leaving the House yesterday, he alleged [in media statements] that he had not been allowed to speak and instead of registering his protest in the House, proclaimed outside that he had walked out.
The Speaker also explained today that Mr. Tamang’s leaving midsession yesterday was not a walk-out, as reported in a section of the media [including NOW!], because he had not registered his protest in the floor of the House first.
The Speaker while expressing his unhappiness with yesterday’s proceedings involving Mr Tamang and the media reports urged that the role of the press and media was to deliver responsible, fair and constructive information and that action would be considered against media which had reported ‘unwisely’ even when he had given a ruling stressing on various aspects about the proceedings clearly.
“How do you expect to be a leader if you do not realize your responsibilities? You have come here these three days just to disturb the house,” he told the Upper Burtuk MLA even as he argued against the order.
The Speaker also announced that he will not allow the House or the Constitution of India to be disregarded or diminished and also warned other members against overstepping the boundaries of conduct set for the conduction of business in the House.
Later, outside the Assembly Secretariat complex, Mr. Tamang told reporters that the entire episode was a ‘conspiracy’ to suppress the voice of the people. He alleged that there was no democracy left in the State which had been proved with the way in which the Speaker had ousted him from the legislative assembly today.
“I have put on this black band in protest since I was not allowed to speak the truth. I was about to disclose many more discrepancies within the SDF party which is why I have been treated in this way. However, this is a victory for the people as the truth will now come out in the open. The time will come when truth shall prevail,” he said.

1 comment:

  1. A man who showed up against the mammoth figure Bhandari , now can't take dissension and questioning by his one time colleague!!! Democracy means exchange of views and ideas and allowing free flow of ideas......was this what Kazi lendhup dorjee envisioned happeing when he ran to New Delhi for a democratic system in Sikkkim!!! I think we were better off then under the Maharajhas of Sikkim only......atleast that illusion of living in a democratic country wasnt knwe one was in a monarchical set up so expected no freedom...which tho was in plenty as compared to now!!!!


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