
Friday, June 29, 2012

Journos protest ‘obstruction’ by security personnel

GANGTOK, 28 June: Journalists have come out strongly against the manner in which members covering the Budget Session proceedings were not allowed to return to the secretariat premises after they had stepped out while the Assembly was in session to interview Upper Burtuk MLA PS Tamang after he was suspended from the day’s proceedings.
In a joint press release signed and issued by 37 working journalists, they have protested that manner in which security personnel disallowed them from re-entering the secretariat citing Breach of Security rules.
While referring to the episode as ‘suppressive’ and one that was intended at foiling the democratic freedom enjoyed by the Fourth Estate, the journalist fraternity has pointed that this episode had disrupted the flow of information of the Budget Session to the general masses.
The Journalists have also registered their concern over the manner in which the press and media were ‘targeted’ by various speakers during the proceedings of the Budget Session.

1 comment:

  1. Its like we are in Poschim Bonga!!! Mamta di would be doing the same....


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