
Monday, May 21, 2012


The ongoing controversy regarding the Sikkim University is not good for the state. A central university being established in the state is a huge development, not just for this generation but for generations to come. This university is still in its nascent stage and has not been fully established and it is already facing so many problems. I would like to request the public and all involved to work together towards establishing a good university in the state for the betterment of the youth and the public in general.
Yogesh Kr Cintury, Tadong


  1. Contrary to popularly held opinion, I think that all controversies are good.

    SU is a public institution and the debate which was otherwise taking place among a select group of individuals is now out in the open.

    The day to day functioning of an institution can generate so much disagreement, imagine how much disagreement a new institution is capable of.

    However, disagreements do not mean, one is against the institution, it means we live in a democracy and we are all entitled to an opinion, the task then is how to come to a decision with regard to the decisions.

    Despite the erudite and scholarly Lama Sir, he ran SU, like Indian government runs India, pointing to the threat from Pakistan as an excuse for everything.

    Lama Sir, kept talking about how Sikkim govt is out to get him for the past 3 years.

    For a man who claims progressive values, his conduct was like that of a medieval war lord, protecting his loot, his loot being SU.

    Unwilling to share his loot with CM Sahib. The demands of loyalty from the faculty, students, non teaching staff, for being from Darjeeling, for being Nepali and for being 'hillmen/women' in descending order.

    Institutions need not be run by our kith and kin for them to work. In fact, kith and kin will feudalise the institution.

    Institutions are best, when they are impersonal, following bureaucratic rules and regulations and litigating against each other, so that everyone's grievances are redressed.

    1. what's this loot that he refused to share!!! interesting!!! he did deposit the 15 crore for the land at Yangang in the GOS account didn't he?? I believe he has the necesaary receipts!!!

  2. Controversies are good but then disrupting public life wouldnt be in good taste ....esp in a state propelled by tourism! That apart like the comment says Lamajui does run the place like a dictator and that the place is filled with the kith and kin from the other side of Teesta and if from within Sikkim then "chena jana" manchey haru or ppl of chena jana mancheys!!! and the minute power comes into a persons hands they start treating it like their fiefdom- be it an academic turned administration or a constable turned politician or a rabble-rouser turned politician!!! very good examples for the common of what not to turn into!!!

  3. Reading this news item -"Common Platform demands judicial probe into Yap Tshering’s arrest"- made me realise that what's happening at SU and the VC's dictatorial attitude is nothing but a sad reflection of what's happening around in the State!!! He must have taken the adage- Do in Rome as the Romans do" very seriously when hounding the dissenting students!!!

  4. सिक्किम को लठुवाहरुले सिलिगदी राम्रो चिनेको हुँदैन देल्ही पुग्नु खोज्छ....the state doesn't have one good school or college and they talk about a University..very funny....

    1. ^^^^ Of course, Darjeeling has great places. To actually think, they had good places to begin with SJC, GC, LC but look where the great Gorkha politics took the colleges too. Means, Darjeeling has managed to destroy good institutions, to my thinking, that is a worse crime than, not managing to build one (which can be remedied in the near future).


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