
Monday, May 21, 2012

Believe in your dreams, says Miss Northeast Zennyla Bhutia

GANGTOK, 18 May: “I am so tired of people needing a reason for doing everything in their lives. Do it because you want to and if it makes you happy”, says Zennyla Bhutia, the newly crowned Sunsilk Mega Miss Northeast 2012.
Zennyla is back in Gangtok after having won the title in Nagaland. The 22-year-old now plans to do something for the elderly in the state who have been deserted by their children. She had earlier donated Rs 5,000 to Sai Mandir at Gyalshing. “The blessings from the people who have been abandoned by their children will be the real gift in my life”, said Zennyla while speaking to NOW!.
Sikkim NOW! caught up with the strong-willed beauty. Excerpts:
NOW: What was your first reaction when your name was announced for the Miss North East crown? What do you consider to be your lucky charm?
Zennyla: I think I was petrified for a moment. I couldn't understand what was really happening?? It took me some time to digest the fact that I was the winner of the Sunsilk Mega Miss Northeast 2012. And then the next thing I could remember was my mom and dad and the fact that I had made them proud. So, instantaneously I burst into tears.
My lucky charm is my last phone call to my mom in every event that I have taken part so far. Every time I am nervous or down I call up my mom and the way she encourages is beyond words. I feel so confident after we have that small motivating talk. So,  I guess my lucky charm has to be my mother.
How do you plan to celebrate your success?
I have loads of plans with my friends and family. For now, I’m caught up with interviews. So, after everything gets over I’ll celebrate and have a little private time with my friends and family.
Having made it to the list of top five finalists, were you confident that you would win the title?
To be honest I wasn't sure about getting the title because all the five finalists were equally good and confident. In fact, when they didn't announce my name for 1st and 2nd runner up, I was on the verge of losing hope. But before I lost hope totally, there! My name was announced.
What sort of preparations did you undertake to enter the Miss Northeast contest?
I didn't have much preparation. But I think my participation in Miss Sikkim and winning the crown itself had prepared me and made me confident to face the next big stage.
Do you feel any difference after winning the Miss North east title?
Yes, I do feel a lot of difference. Now that I have been chosen as the icon of the Northeast I want to make use of this title to its utmost and try and contribute to the northeastern region in the national level as well.
What do you think matters? Winning or participating?
Participation is what matters the most because the important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle, the essential thing is not to have conquered but to have fought well…
What according to you is the best trait that helped you bag this crown and made you stand apart from other contestants?
According to me the judging didn't happen only on the final day. The judging had started from day 1 itself when we began with our grooming sessions. And I feel they were noticing every action of each contestant, the way we carried our self and behaved.
As I already told earlier everyone was really good both with their communication skills and confidence but I feel it was the personality I displayed that gave an edge over the others.
During the whole grooming session I was very composed and calm. I did what I was asked to and always made all the events on time. I am very particular about time and don't like to waste any. So, I guess these were the little things that the judges noticed and finally conferred me the title. Because they kept telling us the whole time that they weren't looking for a model but for a perfect package that would be able to represent northeast.
With a chance to represent north east at the national pageant Miss India. What apprehensions are ruling the mind? How do you plan to prepare for the bigger thing?
I'll first have to contest in Pantaloons Femina Miss India East may be by the end of this year. Only then I will get to contest in the Miss India contest next year. I have lots of things on my mind. I am a little scared and nervous because the pressure I’ll face, now that I’m Miss Northeast will be greater. I'll try my best though, and if luck favors me, then I hope to bring home the crown again. [Laughs]
Who is your favorite Indian beauty queen?
My favourite Indian beauty queen is Sushmita Sen because she has all the qualities that a perfect beauty queen should be endowed with. She is smart, witty and above all very loving to all.
Have you learnt lessons from the competition? If so, how would you utilize these for the Miss India competition?
Yes! I have learnt many lessons from the competition. From adjusting with girls from different states to understanding their view points, because each culture is different and has its own uniqueness. It has helped me broaden my perspectives and the way I look at things. So I think this lesson learnt will be of great help for me even in the national arena.
Since government has come to know that you have bagged the Miss North east title what type of responses are you getting?
I was recently felicitated by the Tourism Minister on the last day of the Spring Carnival and it was really nice of them to do so. Because when you achieve something and come back home and when the state and the people of your state acknowledge it, we really get more encouraged to do something greater in future.
But so far I feel that this whole beauty pageant concept is a bit rare in Sikkim and I feel people have to broaden their horizon a bit in this area and encourage young girls like Sonam Pachey and me by showing some form of appreciation.
What do you have to say to the young people of Sikkim?
The only thing I would like to say to all the young people of Sikkim is that, if you truly believe in your dreams, even though it may be the most impossible thing, you will achieve it one day or the other. Therefore, never stop dreaming and don't get disheartened by little failures because life is very generous and when it really starts giving back, it does in abundance. So, just be patient and wait for the correct time.

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