
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Forest Minister leads inspection tour to projects around Gangtok

GANGTOK, 22 Jan: Forest Minister Bhim Dhungel, accompanied by PCCF-cum-Secretary, ST Lachungpa and senior officers of the Forest Department visited the worksites of the Japan International Corporation Agency [JICA] assisted Pangthang Nursery, Golitar Project in East Sikkim, proposed floriculture nursery at Bulbuley and the ongoing road construction work at Forest Colony on 21 January.
All the projects except for Golitar are being carried out under the JICA assisted Sikkim Biodiversity Conservation and Forest management Project. Infrastructure development under JICA is carried out mainly to strengthen the administration of the Forest Department.
The PCCF-cum- Secretary stated that the majority of the existing forest infrastructure was constructed way back in 1957 and is in a dilapidated condition. Under JICA competent architects have been involved to develop the existing infrastructure.  The designs are all of a high standard and as far as possible it has been designed in a manner so as to leave less carbon footprint.
The three major structures are the office building at Deorali, Training Institute at Pangthang and the officers’ quarters at Forest Colony. The design of these structures is based on the concept of having a green building including designs that are energy saving, for example the use of space heating centers, solar panels, water harvesting ecological waste treatment, vertical garden, insulating the entire building with eco-friendly material.
In addition to these major buildings there is also provision for the new construction of Range Offices, Check Post and Block Offices. There are also plans for improvement of forest infrastructure destroyed during the recent earthquake of 18 September, 2011 all over Sikkim under SBFP.
The Forest Minister, Bhim Dhungel while speaking to media persons at Golitar informed that supporting facilities, approach roads at the Fambong Lha Wlidlife Sanctuary and the Sanctuary were being prepared for the ‘High End Tourists’ that visit Gangtok and are interested in nature.
The area would be developed as a nature integration centre having facilities of cafeteria, viewpoint, car park, living quarters, eco huts along with an artificial lake for the visiting tourists, he added. The project started in November 2011 at an estimated cost of Rs. 4 crore and is set to be completed by 2014, the Minister further informed.
This is a unique and innovative work taken up by the department and regular visits are being made by department officials to see that quality work is being done by the people as envisaged by the Chief Minister, the Minister informed.
The Pangthang Nursery, the first of its kind has been constructed by the Forest Department. The main objective of creating the Semi Hi-tech Nursery at Pangthang is to propagate important species of wild edible fruits, like Pomsi, walnut etc, informed ST Lachungpa [PCCF-cum-Secretary].
Species of ecological importance like Larix, Betula etc also nee to be propagated and conserved for which ex-situ propagation is necessary. Also in certain forestry species the natural regeneration in the wild is difficult due to abiotic and biotic factors. Certain species have less viability, he added.
The seedlings will be grown in special root trainers. The advantage of root trainers is that they will occupy less space, the roots will be well trained and survival percentage will increase. Root trained seedlings are easier to transport to the plantation site without disturbing the roots. Also root trainers help in air pruning the roots thereby making it more hardy.
Unlike polybags which has to be disposed after use, root trainers can be reused, so it is more eco friendly, he further informed.
Meanwhile, The Secretary further stated that the Bulbuley Floriculture Nursery, under JICA assisted SBFP project will be propagating species that are of aesthetic value. The plants grown in this nursery will be used for beautification of roads during green mission, in gardens all over Sikkim and tourist spots.
It is designed in a manner that is in conformity with the landscape of that area. A simple green house will be created that will house temperate and tropical species, the existing footpath and gazebo will be improved so that visitors can also enjoy the beauty of the forest, wilderness and the existing waterfall. It will be a compact ecotourism site and will showcase Japanese cherry, peony, maple species etc.
Construction of new officers’ quarters at Forest Colony since the existing quarters are old and insufficient is also proposed and the road being constructed under JICA assisted SBFP Project will lead to these quarters, informed Manjit Singh [APCCF].
The design and planning stage of the quarters have already been completed and it is now at the tender stage. Within a period of a month the tender will be done, he said and added that it is also proposed to create a new Gangtok Range Office.
Also present during the tour were Dr. Anil Mainra [APCCF-cum-Project Director], Mrs. Bharati [CCF,Territorial], Dechen Lachungpa [DFO SBFP,N/E], and Forest department officials.

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