
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Common Platform warns State govt and hydel developers, urges Governor to exercise special powers

GANGTOK, 18 Dec: The Sikkim Bhutia-Lepcha Apex Committee [SIBLAC] convener, Tseten Tashi Bhutia has warned the State government and the power developers here not to take the Common Platform against the Hydel Power Projects lightly. He further said that the power developers would only be wasting their money in the State if they continued pursuing their projects here.

Mr Bhutia was addressing a press conference on behalf of the Common Platform on Saturday. He also welcomed the speech of Governor, Balmiki Prasad Singh, and comments of PC Ramakrishnan at the recently held International Conference on “Globalization and Cultural Practices in Mountain Areas: Dynamic, Dimensions and Implications” organized by the Sikkim University.
He urged the Governor “not to limit his concern and care for Sikkim to his speeches” but put it into action as well and use special powers of his office in favour of Sikkim and its people. In comparison to other states, the Governor of Sikkim has some special powers and it is high time for him to use these special powers, he said.
Mr Bhutia informed that section G of the Article 371F provides special powers to the Governor. He also expressed that the state government has shown no concern even after the Governor and a personality like Mr Ramakrishnan have expressed their concerns over the effects of hydel projects in Sikkim.
Likewise, the All Sikkim Educated Self-Employed and Unemployed Association president, Nawin Kiran contended that the government’s decision on these hydel projects will not only affect the present generation but the coming generations as well. Further stating that these projects not only affect the state, but North Bengal as well, he urged the people to join the movement against hydel projects.
ASESE&UA general secretary, Ritesh Rai informed that the Common Platform has decided to organize a seminar on hydel projects in Sikkim soon and urged members of all political parties and organizations to participate in it.
The press conference was also addressed by ASESE&UA legal advisor, Zigmi Wangchuk Bhutia.

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