
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

OT Lepcha moves Private Members Bill seeking Special Financial Package for Sikkim

GANGTOK, 19 Aug: Sikkim’s lone MP in Rajya Sabha, OT Lepcha, today moved a Private Member Bill seeking financial assistance to meet Sikkim’s connectivity requirements and developmental goals. Moving the “Special Financial Assistance to the State of Sikkim Bill, 2010”, Mr. Lepcha argued that financial constraints have handicapped development of adequate transport infrastructure for the State which has hamstrung the State’s potential to achieve the levels of prosperity and well-being for its people which Sikkim has the potential for. Serviced by a solitary lifeline to the rest of the country through National Highway 31A, which itself is frequently disrupted by landslides and bandhs, Mr. Lepcha makes out a case for expediting infrastructural development in Sikkim through specific, time-bound projects.
He has sought that the airport project at Pakyong, time-bound completion of rail-link to Sikkim, construction of alternate highway via Bhutan, development of Sikkim as an international tourist destination and preservation of the flora and fauna of the State be taken up on priority.
The Bill also includes a commitment to carry out an early census for reservation of seats for the Limboos and Tamangs.
A Special Financial Assistance is also sought from the Consolidated Fund of India, to the extent felt appropriate by the Parliament on an annual basis, to meet costs of “such schemes of development as may be taken undertaken by the State with the approval of the Government of India for the purposes of promoting the welfare of people and for the development, proper utilisation and exploitation of the resources of the State.”
In a press statement issued today, Mr. Lepcha informs that 12 members of the Rajya Sabha participated in the debate ad supported the move to secure special financial assistance for the overall development of Sikkim.
“Members, while supporting the Bill showered praise on the peace loving people of the State and also appreciated the efforts made by the State Government towards welfare, development and protection of environment,” the release adds.
The debate on the Bill remained inconclusive today and is scheduled to resume on 02 September, starting with the comments of the BJP Deputy Leader, SS Ahluwalia, it is informed.

1 comment:

  1. babarey , how much more monies does Sikkim need!! already flushed with funds why dont they utilise that properly instead of pocketing it!!! where does all the plan funds go.????


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