
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Farmer from Nimtar extends Sikkim’s support for Anna; Will sit on hunger strike here to support Jan Lokpal Bill movement

GANGTOK, 19 Aug: Yong Tshering Lepcha of Nimtar in East Sikkim has announced plans to sit on a hunger strike here from Saturday onwards in support the movement launched by Anna Hazare in support of the Jan Lokpal Bill. Mr. Lepcha plans to sit on hunger strike as long as Anna Hazare does in Delhi.
While speaking with media-persons today, Mr. Lepcha informed that he has still not received permission from the concerned authorities to begin his hunger strike and said that he expects to receive this permission by Saturday.
The permission or denial will not stop Mr. Lepcha from his intent, as he plans to go ahead with his hunger strike outside his house in Nimtar if he is not allowed space in Gangtok. He adds that he is sitting on hunger strike as an Indian citizen and as a progressive farmer.
“As soon as I will receive the permission I will begin my hunger strike wherever the administration allows me to sit. Even if I am not granted permission, I will sit on hunger strike at the place of my choice – in front of Mahatma Gandhi’s statue at MG Marg or outside my house from tomorrow,” Mr Lepcha announced.
He explained that he wants to extend support to Anna Hazare on behalf of the people and farmers of Sikkim. He also announced that he will not even be taking water during his hunger strike.
“To begin with, I have sought permission for three days and will keep extending it to how long Anna Hazare remains on hunger strike. Even I am ready to sacrifice my life for the nation,” he stressed.
Mr Lepcha added that his expression was open for other people to join in as well provided they did not come under the banner of any political party or organisation.

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