
Thursday, March 31, 2011

SIBLAC protests Resolution to increase Assembly strength without proportionate increase in BL seats

GANGTOK, 30 March: The Sikkim Bhutia Lepcha Apex Committee [SIBLAC], has received as “unfortunate and disappointing”, the Resolution adopted by the Sikkim Legislative Assembly seeking an increase in strength of the Assembly from 32 to 40 without a proportionate increase in the Bhutia-Lepcha seats.
A press release issued today, states, “Most surprising is to witness the curiosity of both the Governor and the State Government to diminish the political identity of the Sikkimese Bhutia Lepchas from their own land of origin by proposing to reduce the BL seats in the Sikkim Assembly.”

SIBLAC contends that as news on the Resolution spread, “apprehension has started prevailing” on members of the BL community who started “pouring towards Gangtok from across Sikkim” since early morning today leading to the holding on an unscheduled meeting presided over by the SIBLAC convenor, Tseten Tashi Bhutia.
Individuals expressed their anger and disappointment over the nature of the resolution, the release contends, adding that the people took the news with a “sense of betrayal”.
Increase the Assembly strength without a commensurate increase in BL seats is tantamount to reduction in BL reservation and the meeting resolved to protest this move, “fight tooth and nail against all the overwhelming odds and designs of the authorities”.
“If need be, the Bhutia Lepchas are ready to come down to streets,” the release states.
The Resolution, moved to accommodate Scheduled Tribes seat reservation from which Limboos and Tamangs could also contest, has been rejected by SIBLAC as a “Black and Draconian Resolution”. The meeting also resolved to warn the Indian Government “that if such anti merger activities are allowed, the repercussion would be unimaginable and irreparable. In fact, such development would not be in the convenient interest of the Nation as a whole. This is a pure case of gradual and systematic political genocide of the Sikkimese Bhutia Lepchas and we shall not tolerate this any cost.”

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