
Friday, February 4, 2011

Youth Congress leader seeks change in make-up of ruling as well as Opposition leadership

GANGTOK, 04 Jan: A set 50 youth members of the Congress party, led by the AICC and Sikkim Pradesh Congress Committee member, Abhinash Yakha, will be attending a 3-day capacity-building training at Kolkata in West Bengal from 07 to 09 February.
This was shared by Mr. Yakha, who has also been appointed the returning officer of the Youth Congress for Hooghly and Darjeeling Lok Sabha constituencies in West Bengal by the Indian Youth Congress, at a press briefing today.
Mr Yakha stated that the Youth Congress has now started working on the field in Sikkim to strengthen the party from the grassroots for the next assembly elections scheduled for 2014.
He stressed that strengthening the party in Sikkim was more important than the leadership issue, which was secondary.
That did not however stop him from taking a jab at the present leadership of the Congress in Sikkim. He contended that the party high-command has still not certified the Pradesh Congress Committee of the Congress in Sikkim and alleged that due to the continuing leadership of Nar Bahadur Bhandari, even PCC members are not visiting the party office or getting involved in party works.
“The one-man system needs to be broken in the State and for that, the PCC should work as a national party and not behave like a regional party,” Mr. Yakha said.
He rued that most people in Sikkim have still not been made aware on the true ideology of the Congress party and that old prejudices about the party were still rampant. The Youth Congress which he heads in the State was now resolved to address this issue, he said.
Speaking on the Residential Certificates issue, he argued that the maximum influx into Sikkim was recorded between the years 1973 to 1975, so the cut-off year to issue RCs should be 1970, and not 1975 as has been decided by the State Government.
He went on to allege that the SPCC president was hand-in-glove with the State Government to divert attention from the RC issue to the non-issue of a CBI enquiry into the Chief Minister.
Claiming to be one of the complainants who filed an FIR alleging corruption by the Chief Minister as his Ministers, Mr. Yakha stated that he has not received any word from the CBI on his complaint yet. He was implying that the CBI has not moved on the complaint yet, Mr. Yakha alleged that public spats on the issue between the ruling party and Congress leaders was only to divert attention from the Residential Certificates issue.
He stressed that it was important for upcoming political leaders of Sikkim to not only stand up against the Chief Minister but also seek a change in the make up of the Opposition led by Mr. Bhandari.

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