
Friday, February 4, 2011

Karmapa’s office issues strong condemnation of fabricated media claims

A candlelight vigil in support of the Karmapa in Gangtok

GANGTOK, 04 Feb: It is now a week since the controversy surrounding the recovery of crores in cash [on 27 Jan 2011] from the Gyuto Monastery at Sidhbari near Dharamsala, where the Karmapa, Ogyen Trinley Dorje has been residing since he fled Tibet in 2000, hit the headlines.
Back in Himachal Pradesh, the issue is being played out dangerously as a local versus non-local issue by the administration there [the HP Chief Minister wants the Buddhists to stop taking out peace rallies in support of the Karmapa because he sees them as creating a law and order situation]. Meanwhile, elsewhere around the world, even lay observers have been revolted by the viciousness of the speculative media reporting on the issue.
As public support grows for the Karmapa and condemnations becomes stronger against the situation being drummed up against him, the Karmapa Office of Administration is also finding a stronger voice is responding to the issue.
In a statement dated 03 Feb 2011, the Karmapa Office of Administration has issued a strong denial of all “links” being ascribed to the Karmapa and his followers and has also dismissed media speculations point by point. The tone, as readers will note, is noticeably stronger and more confident and condemnation more direct and clearer than earlier statements issued by the office.
The statement from the Karmapa Office of Administration, issued yesterday is reproduced below:
“The Karmapa Office of Administration adamantly denies the baseless fabrications touted by some media claiming that His Holiness the Karmapa is a Chinese spy or agent. Specifically, reports have circulated recently claiming that His Holiness the Karmapa has acquired lands along the Sino-Indian border. We state categorically that His Holiness owns no such property whatsoever, nor does the Karmapa Office of Administration. 
Additionally, some reports cite an unnamed source claiming that the Enforcement Directorate seized Chinese SIM cards and possess records of conversations between His Holiness the Karmapa and Chinese government officials. Such inaccurate reports constitute fiction masquerading as journalism and slander one of the most highly revered figures in Tibetan Buddhism. Therefore, the Karmapa Office of Administration respectfully requests these media sources to cease and desist its defamation of character of His Holiness the Karmapa.
We reiterate that the presence of Chinese Yuan among the 20-plus other currencies found by police has been put forward by some media stories as indicative of spy activity. In response to this preposterous claim, we wish to point out that the currency used in Tibet is the Chinese Yuan, and therefore Tibetans from Tibet often make donations in Yuan, as do Buddhists from mainland China. We further stress that the donations in Yuan formed less than 10% of the total cash amount. 
The notes came in multiple denominations, ranging from one-Yuan notes upward, clearly reflecting their origin as donation from multiple individual sources. Some of the Yuan were new notes bundled together, reflecting a practice among Chinese and other cultures of offering only new currency notes to high abbots or spiritual leaders. Furthermore, disciples from Chinese cultures often visit India in groups, pool their offerings and make a single collective donation. 
The Karmapa Office of administration maintains records of all visitors who receive private audience with His Holiness the Karmapa, and these lists record numerous groups of individuals visiting together from Tibet as well as from mainland China.
His Holiness the Dalai Lama has publicly expressed his confidence in His Holiness the Karmapa. The Tibetan government itself unequivocally demonstrated its support of His Holiness the Karmapa, who is the revered head of a 900-year old order within Tibetan Buddhism. Members of groups across Tibetan society have voiced unwavering support for His Holiness the Karmapa. His Holiness himself stated yesterday in public that he had faith in the Indian rule of law and that the truth will prevail in time. He emphasized that India is a second homeland to Tibetans.”

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