
Friday, October 16, 2015

Discussion begins on different aspects of Buddhism

Sakya Trizin reminds Buddhists of responsibilities towards environmental conservation

“For the sake of future generations, nature should not be destroyed in the name of development. Solutions for climate change lie in forest protection and every human being is responsible for the protection of wildlife and combating the impact of climate change,” said Sakya Trizin Rinpoche to students of various colleges of Gangtok today while inaugurating a two-day seminar on ‘Different Aspects of Buddhism’ here at the Namgyal Institute of Tibetology. The seminar is being jointly organised by Namgyal Institute of Tibetology and the Dolma Phodrang Foundation, New Delhi.
Sakya Trizin Rinpoche said that Buddhism teaches the value of saving lives which is the core teaching of Lord Buddha and the Mahayana sect is following the very principle and teachings of Buddha.

Highlighting on religious, philosophical and scientific aspects of Buddhism, the Rinpoche said that the teachings of Buddha are also against crimes like poaching and illegal trade of wildlife, environment degradation, impact of climate change on all human beings. The responsibility of Buddhism and its followers is to reverse this negative trend, he added.
He called upon young minds to look into Buddha’s teachings and different aspects of Buddhism and use them to save all kinds of life. It is time to preach the scientific aspects of Buddhism, he stated.
He also acknowledged the role of Namgyal Institute of Tibetology in preserving Buddhism, culture, research and tradition of Himalayan people who are nature friendly.
The inaugural function was also addressed by Dr. Ngawang Jorden and Kyabgon Gyana Vajra Rinpoche, who is also trustee of Dolma Phodrang Foundation, New Delhi.
The two-day seminar seeks to understand how Buddhism has the strength to engage with the most pressing global problems of environmental degradation, the modern environment crisis rooted in human motivation and behavior.
Dr. Ngawang Jorden said that the seminar intends to provide an interactive forum to the people of Sikkim, especially the youth, to understand the different aspects of Buddhism.

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