
Thursday, July 3, 2014

DESME holds sensitisation workshop on Business Registration and House numbers

GANGTOK, 02 July: A sensitization workshop on Business Registration number (BRN) and House Number was held in Namchi and Gyalshing on 30 June and 01 July respectively.
In his key note address, DG-cum-Secretary, DESM&E, SD Tshering emphasized on the importance of collecting micro and macro level data for generating socio-economic indicators, informs a DESME press release.
The DG-cum-Secretary, DESM&E, SD Tshering, Director, Madhu  Pradhan and Joint Director, S K Pradhan were the resource persons for the workshop. The workshop was also attended by the district officials, BDOs, panchayats and Councilors.
The DESM&E is undertaking this task as the government of Sikkim through a notification has made it essential to assign BRN in order to prepare BR.
At the same time, owing to the absence of any address information system, DESM&E has been asked to develop and implement a system for assigning house numbers which will help in fulfilling: the administrative requirements (Passport, Ration Card, EPIC, etc); carrying census/survey and other studies and; help the service providers such as Post offices, PHE, Power deptt, courier services, etc in locating and delivering services (letters, couriers, etc).

Business Register essentially means the list of all establishments pursuing various economic activities relating to production and or distribution of goods and or services at a place. Such a list when complete will provide an ideal frame for conducting sample surveys and undertaking studies of various economic activities for finding their pattern and trend in the country. The BR will help in the computation of State Domestic Product and generating other indicators of the trade sector
In theory, Business Register records all enterprise groups, enterprises and local units that are active in the national economy. Thus it is the basic foundation for System of National Accounts (SNA). Geographically it covers the entire state of Sikkim.
For the Private entrepreneurs
(a) Establishing business profile for a specific area;
(b) Analyzing existing potential business markets and assessing/ assisting market research;
(c) Reducing administrative burden;
(d) Improving efficiency in registration system; and
(e) National Accounting and effective policy formulation, monitoring and planning.

16 digit Business Registration Number (BRN)
Business Registration Number (BRN) is a unique identification number of an establishment in the Business Register. A 16 digit BRN will be assigned/allotted in the following manner:
Rural Area:
6 digit code: Six Digit Census Village Code
4 digit code: Running serial number of an establishment in the Business Register assigned in the order they get listed/appear/report for registration starting from 1 in each GPU
6 digit number: 3 Digit BRC Code + 3 Digit GPU Code
Urban Area
6 digit code: 6 digit Town Code
4 digit code: Running serial number of an establishment in the Business Register  assigned in the order they get listed/appear/report for registration starting from 1 in each MW
6 digit number: 3 Digit BRC Code + 3 Digit MW code
NOTE: Only 10 digit BRN - 4 digit running serial number and 6 digit number (3 BRC code + 3 Digit MW/GPU Code) will be given by the registering authority

Address Information System
House number: A unique unduplicated number will be assigned to each building and units therein. The number will be constructed in such a way that it will denote the exact location of the house/unit.
The numbering system is based on the following location particulars:  system:
(i) STATE  
(iii) Gram Panchayat Unit/MC/NP
(iv) Panchayat Ward(PW)/Municipal ward(MW)  
(v) SECTOR- Divisions within MW/PW
(vi) Building: Pucca/semi-pucca/katcha structures within a sector
(vii) Units: HHs/Enterprise/Other units within the building
Acronym of the Urban block
Code of Municipal Ward
Sector Number: In running alphabets
Building Number: Running serial number of buildings
Unit Numbers: Serial number of HHs/enterprises/others within the building
e.g of House Number in Urban Area- GTK/001/A/1(1)
Acronym of the GPU
Code of PW
Building Number
Unit Numbers within the building
e.g of House Number in Rural Area- RNK/01/1(1)

House number in the rural areas will be allotted by the GPK. In Urban areas, the same will be allotted by DESM&E.

Village Directory
Location particulars of a village/HHs/Ent/Structure/Etc
Rural Village  Directory: Codified directory of all notified gram prashashan kendras and panchayat wards
Urban Village Directory: Codified directory of all notified municipal wards

1 comment:

  1. Is it worth hiring someone with experience to do the SEO, or do you recommend doing it ourselves?


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