
Thursday, May 8, 2014

RMDD reviews Backward Region Grants Fund annual plans

GANGTOK, 07 May: The Directorate of Panchayati Raj under Rural Management and Development Department is organizing a four-day programme to review the ongoing Backward Region Grants Fund (BRGF) 2013-14 and deliberate on the preparation of BRGF plans of 2014-15.
As per an official press release, review meetings were held at Chintan Bhawan on 05, 06 and 07 May for North, West and East districts respectively. The overall objective of the programme is to facilitate the timely preparation of Annual Plan under BRGF. During the programme Physical and Financial status of all planned works of each Plan Unit were reviewed.
The programme will conclude on 08 May with the South District.
The meetings were chaired by the Adhyakshas (Chairman of Zilla Panchayat) of respective districts and attended by ADCs (Dev.), DPOs, GVAs, Rural Development Assistants (RDAs) and members of Zilla, Nagar and Gram Panchayat.
Joint Secretary (Panchayat), Norzing Tsering while giving the project back ground emphasized that the primary objective of BRGF is to bridge critical gaps in local infrastructure and other developmental requirements that are not being adequately met through existing inflows rather than creating new work.
Stress was laid on the importance of timely submission of UCs.  Process Checklist, Financial Checklist, formats, audit reports, progress reports, Non-Diversion and other certificates were distributed to facilitate and guide actions to be taken while forwarding the Annual Action Plans henceforth, the release informs.
State Project Coordinator (RGPSA), Nipendra Pradhan gave a brief presentation on accounting software of PRIs that facilitate maintenance of all financial transactions online. He further informed that all Annual Action Plans will be uploaded at the Head office online on Plan Plus portal and all Physical and Financial Progress of BRGF works will be uploaded in Action Soft portal as mandated by Ministry of Panchayati Raj (MoPR).
The meeting concluded with the respective Adhyakshas addressing the Elected Representatives about the need to be proactive and taking up projects that will empower the Gram Panchayat Units and Zilla Panchayats.
Director (Panchayat), H.B. Gurung requested all Elected Representatives to submit Utilization Certificates on time in respect of BRGF, 3rd State Finance Grant and  13th Finance Commission Grant  for 2013- 14 for smooth inflow of fund from the Centre, it is further added.

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