
Thursday, May 15, 2014

Month-long training for Accounts Clerks concludes

GANGTOK, 14 May [IPR]: The valedictory programme of the four-week long basic training for Accounts Clerks was held at Accounts and Administrative Training Institute today. The first batch saw 48 participants, who have been posted under various departments in the state completing the training. The trainees were selected through the OMR examination process conducted by Finance, Revenue and Expenditure Department last year.
The Resource Persons for the training were Dipak Dranal [Principal Director, AATI], SK Mishra [Senior Faculty Officer, AATI] and CC Bhutia [Joint Director, Finance, Revenue and Expenditure Department]. The training was imparted on Sikkim Financial Rules 1979, Government Accounting Rules 1990, Sikkim Public Works Code and Manual 2009, etc.
In his address, the Principal Director stated that the institute conducted an intensive training programme covering theoretical, technical and practical aspects of all the Acts, Rules and Regulations and Guidelines issued by the Government of Sikkim from time to time. Informing further, he added that the Institute shall be conducting more refresher courses in future and asked the participants to attend these courses regularly to update themselves.
The Resource Persons urged the trainees to be diligent, sincere, dedicated and responsible while discharging their duties and added that everyone should adopt and put into practice positive ideologies.
An interactive session was also held where areas of improvisation on training were also discussed at length. Later, the Resource Persons were also felicitated by the trainees.

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