
Saturday, March 29, 2014

Returning Officer convenes meeting with parties and observers for East dist

GANGTOK, 28 Mar [IPR]: A meeting of all the political parties with the observers chaired by the Returning Officer, East, AK Singh was held today at the Conference Hall of the District Administrative Center, Sichey, East Sikkim. The meeting had the presence of four observers namely BB Swain, Tshering Angchok, G Ashok and JB Singh.
At the outset, the District Election Officer cum Returning Officer, East while welcoming the representatives from the political parties and the candidates read out the names of validly nominated candidates of Assembly Constituencies of East, Sikkim Parliamentary Constituency and Sangha.
While informing the political parties and the candidates about the various measures taken to ensure free and fair election the Returning Officer, East and the Superintendent of Police East explained in detail about the Model Code of Conduct to be followed by the contesting candidates and the political parties.
The District Election Officer, East said that the entire election procedure is being undertaken in a most transparent manner further adding that the political parties and the candidates will be informed about any activity related to election being undertaken at the Strong Room which has been arranged at Tashi Namgyal Academy auditorium.
He also informed that the Booth Level Officers will be available at the polling stations on 30 March to facilitate the issue of voter slips to the voters which will ensure smooth polling during the polling day. In this regard, he also sought help from the political parties and the candidates to mobilize the voters to get their voter slips in time so as to avoid confusion during the polling day.
He categorically informed that the political parties or the candidates will not be allowed to set up their booth within the 200-meter periphery of the polling booth to facilitate the voters during the polling day. In case of any enquiry, the Returning Officer, East ensured that the District Election Office is always ready for any assistance.

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