
Wednesday, March 26, 2014

…meanwhile SKM founder member from Gnathang joins SDF with supporters

NAMCHI, 25 Mar: A founder member of Sikkim Krantikari Morcha, Chopel Dzangpo Bhutia of Linkey under Gnathang-Machong constituency joined Sikkim Democratic Front today. The group was accompanied by the SDF candidate from Gnathang-Machong, DT Lepcha.
Mr. Bhutia and his 187 supporters were welcomed into the SDF by the party president, Chief Minister Pawan Chamling at his residence at Ghurpisey here. Mr. Bhutia was an SKM ticket contender from Gnathang-Machong and had contested the last Assembly elections from Gnathang-Machong on an SHRPP ticket. Interestingly, having secured 25% of the votes from his constituency, he was not only the runner-up in 2009, but also the best-performing SHRP candidate of Elections 2009.
An SDF press release informs that Mr. Bhutia was the president of the Pakyong sub-division of the SKM party.
He has alleged that SKM does not have any policy, programme and vision and is only interested in creating unrest, violence and terror among the people, the release quotes him as saying. On the reasons behind his joining SDF, Mr. Bhutia said that the vision, programmes and policies of Mr. Chamling had made him join the party, as per the release.
In his address, Mr. Bhutia said that he and his supporters embraced SKM when it was launched in the hope that it will bring positive change in Sikkim and present a better option to the SDF Government. However, even before the elections it became clear to them that the party and its leader did not have any programmes or policies either for the people of Gnathang-Machong, nor for the rest of Sikkim.
So convinced, they all decided to come under the SDF and support the party in registering a “remarkable victory” in the upcoming elections.
Similar sentiments were echoed by Mr. Chamling in his brief address to his new party colleagues today when he said that all the opposition parties of Sikkim pursued similar selfish goals and had no agenda for the people. They were misleading the people with the insincere promises, he said, adding that SKM was also pushing a violent form of politics.
Here he urged the newcomers to support and work for SDF by following its principles and asked them not to retaliate even if opposition party workers provoked them. He advised that people approach the law in case of such instigation and remain committed to nurturing the prevailing peace and tranquility of Sikkim.
Welcoming the new party members from Gnathang-Machong into the party, the CM remarked that there might have been some misunderstandings and even ill-will among the supporters in the past but now they were all family sharing aspirations and challenges together. He promised to fulfill all the demands placed by them in the next government.
As a return gesture for the joining team, Mr. Chamling announced a Chairmanship for Mr. Bhutia in his next government.

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