
Thursday, January 16, 2014

Lingdok gram panchayat resolves to enforce ban on sale of tobacco and alcohol to minors

GANGTOK, 10 Jan: The residents of Lingdok-Nampong GPU have decided to curb sale of tobacco and alcoholic products to underage persons henceforth in order to protect them from consuming drugs and other harmful products.
In a press release, the Gram Panchayat of Lingdok Nampong informs that they held a meeting with the public on 05 January where a resolution was passed to strictly follow the rules on ban of sale of tobacco products and alcohol to under aged. If found breaking this law, the traders would be punished with penalty even to the extent of having their licenses seized, it has been decided.
The villagers univocally supported the Gram Panchayat’s  effort, and the resolution to ban on sale of such products to  minors [aged below the 18], the release states. The Panchayats are authorized to monitor and take actions for violating the norms and rules.
The meeting also decided to ban sale of tobacco and liquor within 200 metres of schools s and to ask the shopkeepers to strictly follow the rules.
The meeting has also urged the parents to monitor their children and prevent them from engaging in such activities and involvement and to prevent them from unwarranted company of drugs pushers and alcoholics.

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