
Thursday, January 16, 2014

Health Department forwards inquiry report on alleged medical negligence at Mangan to govt

GANGTOK, 10 Jan: The Health Department has forwarded the inquiry report on the death of a young woman during childbirth due to alleged negligence at the Mangan District Hospital to the government.
Health Secretary, Dr. DK Bhandari, informs that the inquiry had concluded, and the report drafted and prepared and forwarded to the government. As soon as the government ‘approves’ of it the report can be shared with the public.
The Department had initiated an inquiry into the death of Dil Kumari Gurung, 25 year old mother who had been admitted at the Mangan hospital on 23 December. The woman was facing complications due to child birth and the gynecologist was late in arriving at the hospital. Moreover it is alleged that the medical store attached to the hospital was also closed and further, when it opened the particular medicines to be bought were unavailable. While the deceased gave birth to a child she did not survive and succumbed to excessive bleeding.   These are the allegations inquired into by the Health Department.

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