
Thursday, January 16, 2014

ATMA rewards Progressive Farmers of Dzongu - Wangchuk Bhutia

MANGAN, 10 JAN: The Agricultural Technology Management Agency (ATMA) is on a drive to help farmers of north district inculcate organic farming practices and also enhance production.
Agricultural Technology Management Agency (ATMA), North Sikkim provided a platform for Progressive farmers of Dzongu by forming Self Help Groups (SHGs) and Farmers Clubs. The produce was displayed at the Namprikdang Namsoong Festival held at Namprikdang.
A total of seven best performing SHGs and Farmers’ Clubs of Dzongu were given an opportunity to participate in the Festival. The stalls and other logistic support was provided by ATMA to ensure that the produce could be exhibited well. Towards the end of the Festival, three best Stalls were rewarded by ATMA, North Sikkim with cash prizes of Rs. 7,000, Rs. 6,000, and Rs. 5,000 as 1st, 2nd and 3rd respectively besides two consolation prizes of Rs. 4,000 each.
Considering the significance of the exhibition during the Namprikdang Festival, entire ATMA fraternity of North Sikkim comprising of Project Director, Deputy Project Director, BTMs and Accountant participated actively to make Organic Exhibition a grant success during the Festival.

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