
Friday, November 15, 2013

SSLSA organizes Children’s Day celebration with the underprivileged REBYNA RANA

GANGTOK, 14 Nov: The Sikkim State Legal Services Authority [SSLSA] celebrated the Children’s Day here in the Tashi Namgyal Academy, Auditorium hall today.
Addressing the gathering, Justice NK Jain of the High Court of Sikkim, who chaired the occasion as the chief guest, said that the National Legal Service Authority [NLSA] has been organizing the Children’s Day celebration with the Delhi Legal Services Authority.
He congratulated SSLSA for celebrating the occasion with underprivileged children from destitute homes and shelters. Mr. Jain further spoke on the contributions and vision of Jawaharlal Nehru. He appreciated the performances presented by the children on the day and wished them a bright future.
Children from destitute homes and some children from public schools participated in the celebrations today.
Justice SP Wangdi of the High Court of Sikkim also appreciated the celebration being held for children from vulnerable backgrounds.
“Today we have not only gathered to commemorate the birthday of the first Prime Minister of India, Jawaharlal Nehru, but also to re-dedicate ourselves to causes related to children,” he said.
He highlighted about the sacrifices as well as contributions of Nehru towards the nation and also towards children.
Justice Wangdi also stressed on the direct principles of the state policy and on Article 21A of the Indian Constitution which provides for free and compulsory education for children between 6 and 14 in India. The function also saw cultural activities being performed by the various orphanages and homes namely; Kingston Destitute Home [Rhenock], Tarcon-Lee [Mangan], children from Special School for Hearing & Speech Impaired [Upper Sichey, Gangtok], TNA students, Balika Niketan, Ujjwal Kala Kendra.
The day also saw the presentation of certificates and prizes to the winners of painting competition by the chief guest. The winners for the painting competition were Ong Tshering [Wangdi Faith Home, Mangan] in first position, James Lohar, [Kingstone Destitute Home, Rhenock] in second position, and Phurba Lepcha [Righim Monastic School] in third position. Consolation prizes were also distributed to the participants.
Certificates of appreciation were also presented to the Destitute Homes/Orphanages and Schools of four districts of Sikkim who participated in the painting competition, skits and dances.
The function was also addressed by the District & Sessions Judge, Spl. Division-II, Sikkim at Gangtok and Member Secretary, Sikkim SSLA, KW Bhutia.

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