
Friday, October 4, 2013

It’s time to get rattled again MAGNITUDE 5 EARTHQUAKE STRIKES SIKKIM

GANGTOK, 03 Oct: Sikkim was rudely reminded of the devastation and destruction caused by the 18 September earthquake in 2011 when an earthquake measuring 5.0 on the Richter Scale hit the state at 11:43 this morning.
With most of the buildings in the state having already acquired cracks after the 2011 quake, a tremor like the one experienced today was enough to make people run out of their homes and into the streets in total panic. Surprisingly, most of the schools in the state also sent the students home midway through classes, rattled by the temblor.
People packed into the streets and congregated at open spaces, with children returning from school adding to the milieu and heightening the levels of panic which surged with each aftershock.
Although there have been no reports of casualties or major damages to public or residential buildings, today’s tremors clearly indicate the extent of vulnerability the people in this active seismic zone feel when the earth shakes with any substantial intensity.
As per the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) the epicenter of the quake was 27.4 degree North and 88.5 degree East in Sikkim. Further, the data as per the USGS website, the earthquake measured 5.3 in magnitude with the epicenter 16 kms northwest of Singtam at a depth of 10 kilometers below the ground.
“Even if the intensity of the tremors was mild, there is no way we were staying indoors. As soon as the big one came I along with my children ran out of the house to the highway below where people had started gathering in large numbers. There was always a possibility for the aftershocks to cause more damage since the big one lasted for over 4 seconds which is why no one wanted to take chances staying indoors,” said Radhika Subba a housewife who was standing with others like her along NH-31A this afternoon after the earthquake struck.
The big one today was followed by three minor jolts reported to be below 3 on the Richter scale. The tremors were felt in various parts of the state with the Singtam-Rangpo belt experiencing most of the intensity. Soon after the tremors were felt the schools in and around Singtam closed down sending children home as a “precautionary measure”.
Apart from minor injuries to a few individuals who hurt themselves trying to escape from their homes, there were no major damages reported from the area. Many people in Singtam are also informed to have arrived at the Mandir complex leaving their homes. However, they returned to their respective homes later, it is informed.
Further down at Bardang, the ATTC also closed down after the tremors brought down small pieces of dust and debris from the ceiling. Terrified students are said to have run out from the building along with the staff to avoid a situation that could turn volatile if another earthquake struck.
A private school In Deorali was one of the first schools to close down after the tremor as reports suggest that the under construction building had developed cracks as the building shook violently when the quake struck.
There were also rumours circulating today that Rakdong -Tintek area had suffered considerable damage due to the quake. However, when the District Administration verified the same, no damages were reported from the said constituency. DC, East AK Singh informs that spreading such rumors to create a panic situation was the work of individuals with vested interests, something that the administration has taken serious note of and will investigate as to how this information spread like wild fire.
The DC also informs that all respective BDOs and SDMs have been directed to conduct a verification of their areas and submit a detailed report on the extent of damages etc with the district administration. He also stated that all officers have been directed to follow precautionary measures to be carried out during disasters.
It may be mentioned here that the Chief Minister Pawan Chamling was at the foundation stone laying function of the EPCS church at PNGS when the earthquake struck. Reassuring the gathering, he said that the state government has been doing its best in this regard so the people should take the advantage of the technologies and facilities provided by the government. He further suggested using earthquake resistant methodology while constructing new houses and urged the public not to panic.

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