
Friday, October 25, 2013

Annual Convention of Indian Association of Women Veterinarians concludes in Gangtok

GANGTOK, 24 Oct: The two-day XIIth Annual Convention of Indian Association of Women Veterinarians on ‘Empowering Rural Women for Sustainable Animal Husbandry through Bridging the Knowledge and Policy Gap’ concluded here today. Such a convention is being organized for the first time in Sikkim.
More than 150 participants from states across the country along with SHG representatives of Sikkim participated in the convention. The convention was organized by the Sikkim chapter of the Indian Association of Women Veterinarians in association with the department of Animal Husbandry, Livestock, Fisheries & Veterinary Services.
The valedictory function of the convention held this afternoon had the Chief Secretary, R Ongmu as the chief guest, who was accompanied by Development Commissioner, N Ethenpa as the guest of honour.
Deputy Director, Dr Karma Doma stated that the state chapter has organized this convention for the first time in the state in a successful manner. She added that the organizing committee has received an encouraging response from all delegates and participants. She further added that from Sikkim 27 women veterinarians and one honorary member participated in the convention and was fruitful for all participants. She also expressed her gratitude to all for the support for making the event a grand success.
Dr Doma stated that the convention was a platform for veterinarians from across the country to discuss on various agendas, to exchange ideas, find solutions on various issues and to disseminate information to rural folks. Another objective of the event is also to create awareness among rural women to increase dairy and poultry production by using the latest scientific methods.

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