
Monday, December 3, 2012

Editorial: Information Inspires Involvement

Officialdom in Sikkim continues to cling to anachronistic notions about sharing information. And it is not even sensitive documents that one is talking about here; it is as simple a matter as coming on record when approached. Officials take the easiest way out by ignoring reporters with excuses of being on tour or engaged in a meeting or not being authorised. What most of them don’t realise is that every time a scribe arrives in their office for information, they are not expected to spill the beans on the latest red-tape goof-up in the corridors of power. Most of the times, they are being sought either to confirm or deny information or present their side of the picture to an allegation. While journalistic ethics demand that views of all sides be reported, it is only for so long that a story can be kept waiting for want of views from the other side. What these officials don’t realise is that news reports cannot warm the “in” tray endlessly. There is a Right to Information Act now, and is often invoked by officials as the route to take for information. RTI is essentially for the masses to seek information on individual issues, and it would best if it was not crowded by ‘vested’ interests and journalists pursuing stories. When it comes to news reporting, the procedures and processes involved under RTI are too long and cumbersome and hence should be used sparingly and for stories requiring deeper details and more extensive data. Day to day reporting remains old school but it is time that those who sit on information realised that the times have changed and that it makes more sense to share information when contacted because news has a way of leaking. Leaked news is however invariably incomplete and hence more damaging especially in these days of advanced information technology tools even in the most basic of mobile handsets. Frankly, there were always laws and rules making information accessible to the people, just that the people with the information were not confident enough to share it. RTI forced their hand. Sharing information automatically makes one accountable and accountability could lead most officials on to sticky wickets. Information, after all, is not just about knowing but also about reacting to what is learnt. Information also means power and empowering the people might be a pet project of the politicians, but still does not appear high enough on the agenda of the bureaucracy which draws its strength from the control it wields over the people. Now that the panchayats return for a third term under the ruling SDF Government, the powers-that-be should perhaps look at access to information before they proceed with further delegation of power to the panchayats. Share all the developmental information of each ward with the people there and see how they respond to it. Empower the people with this information in time and then see the maturity with which they keep an eye on all the funds that have come their way and that it is wisely spent. Compulsory disclosure of project and contract details, as is being practiced now, comes too late for any effective control. Announce these proposals enough in advance and see how the people get more involved. Some time back, the State Government had announced a policy decision for every developmental project to be preceded by a proper public discussion [on a public hearing format]. This is already being implemented and as the initiative gets improved with regular tweaking, the involvement and sense of ownership so far lacking in Sikkim, will definitely manifest. And this paradigm shift also depends finally on how willingly information is shared and offered.

1 comment:

  1. hello editor, this is the second time that I am seeking a shortining of your editorials!!! its too long..and winding


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