
Monday, December 3, 2012


This is with reference to the Health Department’s rejoinder, ‘Crosscheck Facts to Avoid Planted Stories’ published in Sikkim NOW! dated 01 December 2012.
It needs to be highlighted that the news-report was a follow-up to previous complaints regarding the quality of meals provided at District Hospital, Singtam, and has reflected the present status of food at the hospital. The report reflects the present situation as verified in conversations with in-patients and officials of the Hospital [who are quoted extensively in the report]. In fact, even the CMO is quoted in the report as stating that “initially there were some problems but now the situation is under strict supervision.”
Further, as for the supposed oversight that the increase from 70 gms to 150gms diet was at all hospitals, this was an inference gathered from the visit to the hospital and would have been reflected more accurately had officials at the concerned officials at Department’s head office been more forthcoming with information when contacted by this reporter. This reporter tried to contact the HoD on two separate occasions after which the concerned official at the head office was contacted, however, the official despite being the spokesperson for the food supply unit at the department, did not come on record and offered to get back in touch later.
The report was filed after conversation with inpatients and hospital officials who are present at the hospital and was cross checked before going to print. The department would do well to consider the fact that Singtam hospital too, is a government hospital and that doctors and other officials at the hospital are part of the departmental staff as well.

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