
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

VHAS trains VHSC, PRIs and AWWs on better networking

RONGLI, 14 Nov: Voluntary Health Association of Sikkim (VHAS) Gangtok conducted a training on ‘Enhancement of Para Medicals and PRIs (Panchayat Raj Institutions), VHSC (Village Health & Sanitation Committee), AWW (Agan Wadi Workers), Civil Societies on Health & Development’ at Sudunglakha Gram Prashasan Kendra supported by the Youth Development Society of Sikkim (YODESS) Rongli.
The main objective of this training was the strengthening and networking with PRI, AWW and VHSC for smooth implementation of field level activities of VHAS.
The welcome address was given by Executive Secretary (YODESS) cum National Youth Awardee, Mani Kumar Gurung while VHAS Programme Coordinator, Kalpana Rana briefed the gathering about the field level activities of VHAS and highlighted the main objectives of the Programme.
NGO Resource Person, Kamal Bhattarai spoke on ways of networking and its importance for achieving the set goal, importance of communication techniques, and coordination among NGO volunteers and society. PRI member cum Sudunglakha Gram Panchayat President, Hemlall Giri gave the key note address and feedback.
The programme was also attended by Sudunglakha Panchayat Secretary, Sunita Sharma along with Panchayat members Gangamaya Subba, Krishna Thapa, Tara Pradhan, Dalapchan Panchayat members Narendra Chettri and Manju Gurung, Rongli (Sawa Ward) Panchayat member Angela Rai, Rural Development Assistant (Dalapchand) Deepak Rai, Graduate Teacher, TN Poudyal, VHAS staff (Ash Bahadur Subba, Sajini Rai, Dinesh Pradhan and Kamal Bhattarai), YODESS staff (BP Sharma, Sudha Rai, Bhanuraj Thapa, Mani kumar Gurung), AWW and members of different organizations. [from BHANU RAJ THAPA]

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