
Monday, November 21, 2011

Horticulture Deptt begins distributing grants sanctioned by CM during Dzongu visit

HEE-GYATHANG, 20 Nov: The Horticulture & Cash Crop Development Department started distributing grants under schemes sanctioned by the Chief Minister during his village-to-village tour in North Sikkim earlier this month. A total of 100 beneficiaries from the Hee-Gyathang GPU of Dzongu were handed over grants for the construction of green houses, a demand that the people from the GPU had placed to the CM during his visit of Dzongu.
“We have started the scheme from Dzongu which comes under the demands related to the Horticulture Department sanctioned by the CM during his visit,” explained the Secretary, Horticulture, Vishal Chauhan, at a function held at Hee-Gyathang on Saturday.
The Secretary also informed that the allotment of horticulture land for house construction for the resettlement of 14 families in Shipgyer, also sanctioned by the CM, is also being processed and assured that the allotment letters will be handed over to the beneficiaries at Shipgyer shortly.
Apart from this, a total of 385 beneficiaries from Dzongu were provided with subsidy payments under area expansion of fruits for the 2nd and 3rd year under Horticulture Mission for NE and Himalayan state.
Among them, Achup Lepcha of Tingvong Linku, Upper Dzongu, received the highest cash component of Rs. 2,46,760 for producing orange plants at his nursery. Likewise, others were also provided with cash components depending on their production. The department had fixed a basic target of Rs. 300 for farmers who have been able to produce 400 orange saplings from their nursery.
The cash components were handed over by Minister for Horticulture cum Health Department, DN Thakarpa, present as chief guest, in a function held for awareness-cum-subsidy payments organized by Horticulture Department, North District. The Minister was accompanied by area MLA cum Minister for Power, Sonam Gyatso Lepcha as special guest.
The function began with a welcome address by Joint Director, Horticulture (North), Tsewang Pintso Bhutia. While highlighting the details on fruits selection, the Additional
Director, Phurba Tshering Bhutia informed about orange orchards and encouraged the farmers to opt for orange cultivation.
He further informed that the orange plant can survive up to 60 to 80 years and also spoke on the use of organic manure. He also informed about the different trainings and exposure trips organized for farmers.
Similarly, Principal Director, DK Rai highlighted the various schemes under Horticulture Department and said that we in Sikkim depend on agriculture where 11% land is cultivable covering an area of around 90 thousand hectares. Here, he stressed on going for increasing production from small land holdings.
He encouraged the farmers on growing off-season vegetables which can make a good source of income and also informed about subsidy grants from the department. He further informed about large cardamom, ginger, National Bamboo Mission and about medicinal plants.
While highlighting the feedback, Panchayat Secretary, Hee-Gyathang GPU, Samroo Ugen Lepcha placed a demand for providing training for farmers in North Sikkim itself. He also requested the department to make a scheme on bamboo plantation available as bamboo plantations in Dzongu are on a decline. He also placed the demand for the construction of a VLW quarter in the GPU.
Power Minister, Sonam Gyatso Lepcha in turn informed that the people are not being able to utilize the schemes provided by the government. Encouraging people to go for orange cultivation, the Minister further informed that Dzongu’s oranges especially from Lum village is one of the most sweetest and delicious variety and is undergoing research by the Department in Kolkata.
He also said that we must progress from the traditional to new methods in farming technology.
While addressing the gathering, the chief guest, Minister DN Tharkapa informed that people should opt for cultivation of those crops where the government has provided more opportunity. The Minister also said that the department has 37 varieties of bamboo which can be cultivated by farmers and further informed that cardamom production is declining in the entire state and not only in Dzongu and urged the farmers to opt for new methods of farming.
He further informed that the department will be providing the two varieties of cardamom in Sikkim, S-1 and S-2 seeds. About 40 plough machines are being provided by the department and now farmers do not have to depend on draught animals.
The programme was conducted by Deputy Director, North, SR Bhutia and ended with the vote of thanks proposed by Panchayat Secretary, Lum/Gor/Sangtok GPU, Tshering Gyatso Lepcha. The function was also attended by Chairman Milk Union, Choden Lepcha, Zilla and Panchayat members, Horticulture officials, progressive farmers and the general public.
Earlier, the Minister had also visited the tissue culture nursery at the Horticulture farm at Gnon-Sangdong, Lower Dzongu.

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