
Monday, November 14, 2011

Governor presents Bahudha approach to a harmonious world in Azad Memorial Lecture

GANGTOK, 13 Nov: Governor Balmiki Prasad Singh delivered the Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Memorial Lecture at the Teen Murti Bhawan in New Delhi on 11 November on the special invitation of the Indian Council for Cultural Relations. The well-attended lecture was chaired by the ICCR president, Dr. Karan Singh.
The Governor’s 50-minute lecture, “The Bahudha Approach: A Path Towards a Harmonious World”, focussed on the imperativeness of adopting the Bahudha approach in resolving ongoing global conflicts. The Governor, it may be recalled, has dwelled extensively on this topic in his book, “Bahudha in the Post-9/11 World”, published by the Oxford University Press in 2008.
The Bahudha approach is based on the recognition of multiplicity of ideas, cultures, religions etc, with the belief underpinning that the “views of the other person may be as right”.
The Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Memorial Lecture was instituted in 1958 in honour of the noted freedom fighter and first Education Minister of Independent India with Pandit Nehru delivering the inaugural lecture. Over the years, eminent scholars and thinkers from around the globe, including Noble Laureates have participated in the memorial lecture.

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