
Monday, November 14, 2011


We have been reading a lot of articles regarding construction of concrete buildings in Sikkim and Gangtok especially after the18 September quake. The hot topic for everyone for about a month was the earthquake but it seems we are gradually forgetting the same.
Seismologists and scientists from renowned institutes visited our State and gave their expert opinions. In every meeting, everybody discussed about high rise RCC buildings which seemed not at all safe in this highly seismic Himalayan State. Based on the opinions of experts and our own experience of 18 Sept, everybody felt that tall buildings were not at all desirable. The Chief Minister himself opined that the maximum limit of buildings should not be more than three and a half storey and felt necessary to have retrofit technology.
At present many individuals who had submitted their building plans to Urban Development & Housing Department long before the quake are lying pending in the department for the final decision and approval. Many of these people have taken loans from banks and their debt burden would increase if it takes a long time to decide. However, on the other hand all the ongoing government constructions which have plans of five and half floors are going on full swing. To cite an example, two such big government constructions are going at Sikkim Jewels compound in Tadong. Why has the government not stopped these constructions and revised the plans so that other private individuals are also compelled to follow the same? We know that plans for these buildings have been passed and budgets have been earmarked accordingly but still the government can review the plans looking at the present scenario. General people will not be satisfied with reasons like these constructions have raft foundations, stable area etc etc.
Therefore if the government is really serious on implementing the new construction policy, the concerned authorities must look at the aforesaid projects immediately and take the right decision so that it becomes an example for everyone.
Suman Tamang, Tadong Gangtok

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