
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Approaching ADB and World Bank is in Sikkim’s interest - CM

GANGTOK, 31 Oct: Chief Minister Pawan Chamling today categorically stated that it was his government’s prerogative to approach World Bank and other International development agencies such as the Asian Development Bank for the rebuilding process of Sikkim post the 18 September earthquake.
It was for such purposes that such bodies existed and the state government was well within its rights to optimize the use of such agencies in the interest of the victims of the recent earthquake as well as for the rebuilding process. This statement of the CM has come as a response to criticism especially from opposition parties on the move of the state government to approach international agencies as an alternative source of funding. “We are in the global village, so we want to use these international agencies and central scheme to make Sikkim the best state in the world,” he said. The Chief Minister of the state Pawan Chamling said this at the Rastriya Sankalpa Diwas function organized at Chintan Bhawan, Gangtok today.
The CM also attempted to deflect another pervasive criticism often directed against the state government which is on the almost perennial bad condition of the roads. In this regard it was stated by the CM that 873 km of roads in the state was under the responsibility of the Border Roads Organisation. In fact most of the roads in north Sikkim are the responsibility of BRO and in this regard the CM expressed that his government was unnecessarily being blamed for poor road conditions. However he informed that the government was constantly endeavouring to better the condition of the roads; in fact the state was now contemplating constructing tunnels for roadways.
Speaking on his North Sikkim visit, the CM directed the concerned officials to visit affected spots immediately to start the rebuilding works of damaged houses immediately within one week. Reminding the people that for the rebuilding process dedication and commitment was required the CM said that in this regard the people should stop accusing the government for every ill.
Today on the occasion of Rashtriya Sankalp Diwas the CM urged every individual to contribute in the rebuilding process of the state and urged officials to not be too conscious of protocols.
Talking about Late Indira Gandhi the Chief Minister urged the gathering to learn from her life and contribution for the development of the nation. We have a great responsibility ahead; the Chief Minister said and further added that Sikkim should be made a safe and secured place for its people something like a lap of a mother for a child. Inorder to attain this level we should work for twenty four hours for the state, the Chief Minister said to the politicians and administrators assembled at Chintan Bhawan. Instead of making complains on various issues we should rededicate ourselves to work for the cause of the state, he added.
The State Government is working on hydro power, organic farming and tourism sector for the economic upliftment of the people. The money which is coming from the Central Government is ultimately being drained down though the various products which we are consuming in daily life. Hence inorder to free ourselves from the chain of consumerism the state government is giving emphasis and working on hydro power, organic farming and tourism sector so that we become producers and hence be a balanced state.
Earlier, a teacher of Deorali Girls SSS, Roshan Pradhan, read out the excerpts from the speeches of Late Indira Gandhi. Likewise, the students of Deorali Girls SSS and Ranka SSS presented patriotic songs.

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