
Monday, July 4, 2011

Human Trafficking issues discussed in Namchi meet

NAMCHI, 03 July: A daylong sensitization programme and training on Human Trafficking was held here at the conference hall of Hotel Mayal today.
The training, sponsored by the Community Health Action Network (CHAN), an NGO run under the Salvation Army Church, India Eastern Territory, was jointly organized by the Purano Namchi Anti Human Trafficking Local Team and the Salvation Army Church of Purano Namchi.
Prabhat Pathak, a member of the Kanchanjunga Udhdhar Kendra (KUK) from Pradhan Nagar [Siliguri], assisted by Joel Gurung from CHAN was the main resource person of the programme.

The CHAN Anti Human Trafficking programme was launched in 2005 and has rescued many youth from the North Eastern region from brothels in Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai and other cities.
The programme was also attended by Binod Rai, member of the Namchi Municipal Council and who is also the chairman of Anti Human Trafficking Local Team. Kanchanjunga Udhdhar Kendra has been working on such cases from Sikkim as well. This is the first meeting of its kind to be held in Namchi.

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