
Thursday, May 5, 2011

Trade license fee- just, or too much?

GANGTOK, 04 May: The increased fee structure announced for acquiring and renewing trade licenses has been in the news of late, played up by Opposition parties and also causing some amount of confusion among business people here. In fact, it even came up at the ruling party’s CEC meeting on Wednesday, with a request forwarded to the Chief Minister to consider rolling back the hike. The CM has assured to look into the matter.
Before all this happened, earlier in the day, NOW! contacted the Gangtok Mayor about the issue. The municipal bodies have been authorized to collect the fees and issues new trade licences and renewals.
The Gangtok Mayor, KN Topgay, while responding to comments that the hike was too steep, maintained that the increased slabs are “normal and affordable” for the traders.
He explained, “The increase in the Trade License fee is taking place after around eight years and the new slabs have been worked out seeing the volume and quantum of business generated. The new structure is affordable for all concerned.”

He said, “If someone presents the increase in terms of percentage, it sounds huge. But in reality, the amount is not that large.”
Ever since the traders came to know of the hike around a week back, murmurs of protests began.
“There is 1,000% increase,” is a common refrain moving around.
When the matter reached the Sikkim Chamber of Commerce [SCC] and Trade Affairs Cell of the Sikkim Democratic Front, meetings were held between Urban Development and Housing Department Minister and the officials of the Department, it is informed.
“A meeting with the UD&HD Secretary on Monday resolved that the Government will form a committee comprising representatives from the business organizations and the Department. The committee will work out an appropriate solution and the same will be put forward with the Government for consideration,” informs SK Sarda, president of the SCC.
On the other hand, the Gangtok Mayor maintained that GMC is responsible for implementation of the Government policy on this matter and till further orders reached his office, the existing norms will be applicable.
With a new financial year having begun on 01 April, the clock is ticking on the renewal process, the last date for which is 02 June, next month.
“People should realize that by paying revenue to GMC, they are contributing for their own welfare,” the Mayor seeks to explain, pointing out that this revenue will be invested towards developing public facilities in urban areas.
“We will be answerable to the public and they should complain if they don’t find any development in the near future,” he said, adding that people perhaps need some more time to realize that development made possible through individual contribution will be far better.

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