
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

UID programme underway, 4,025 have signed up so far

GANGTOK: Around 4,025 people have signed up for the Unique Identification Number [UID] in the State so far. The process, which had begun with the enrollment of Governor on 04 March, is underway at Bojoghari above Gangtok at present.
The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) has been set up by the Government of India with the aim to issue unique identification numbers of “Aadhaar” [identity] to all residents of the country. So far, nine states in the country have begun the process and in Sikkim, it is being carried out by Department of Economics, Statistics, Monitoring and Evaluation [DESME].

Starting with Navey-Sotak, followed by Penlong, now the residents of Bojoghari are lining up to register themselves for their unique 12-digit identification number.
The process has been underway for the past one week at Bojoghari and will continue till 03 or 04 April, DESME personnel inform.
In order to ensure that each identity is unique and not duplicated, biometric details like, prints of all ten fingers, iris registration and photograph of each and every person is captured at the centres. Each centre is equipped with five machines handled by five operators and one supervisor.
Local unemployed youth had been hired for this purpose and they are being trained on-the-job by UIDAI personnel at the moment. Dissemination of information regarding the registration process is being done through the Panchayats and councilors of the respective areas, it is informed.
The registration process will proceed to Swastik [Burtuk], followed by Baluakhani and is slated to begin in Namchi by the second week of April, DESME personnel inform.

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