
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Sikkim Assembly passes Resolution in support of Gorkhaland

GANGTOK, 29 March: Chief Minister Pawan Chamling today brought in Government Resolution No. 3 of 2011 to the Legislative Assembly. The Resolution was seconded by MLA Ugen Gyatso Bhutia and carried this as its subject: "To ensue peace, security and development of Sikkim and the region, free movement on National Highway 31 'A' lifeline of Sikkim is central to the well being of the land locked sensitive border state. Formation of Gorkhaland State - the ultimate and permanent solution".
The 6-page Resolution calls on the Central Government to respect the "hopes and aspirations" of the people of Darjeeling and "fulfill" their "genuine, legitimate, justified and within the framework of the Constitution of India" demand for a State of Gorkhaland. A scanned copy of the Resolution is included here. Detailed report on the Assembly proceeding will follow later.

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