
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Legal Literacy camp held in Lower Dzongu

MANGAN, 01 March: The District Level Services Authority East/North Sikkim organized a Micro Level Literacy Camp at Lum village in Lower Dzongu, North Sikkim on 27 March.
Advocate Tarden Lepcha highlighted about the Human Rights and Child Labour Act to the general public while Advocate Sunil Baraily explained the Indian Penal Code (IPC), about bailable and non-bailable offences, the Motor Accident Claim Tribunal (MACT), Civil Suit and Legal Aid Services.

Civil Judge cum Judicial Magistrate, (East/North) Suraj Chettri spoke on the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment & Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) stressing that the MGNREGA is not a scheme but an Act.  He spoke on social auditing, Lok Adalats, Domestic Violence Act, family court and discouraged people from being a guarantor for any bank loan purpose.
He further informed about the available free legal services from Legal Aid Services for ST, SC, widow, handicapped and those with an annual income less than Rs 1 lakh. He also urged the villagers to share what they learnt during the day with other villagers.
The programme was chaired by Civil Judge cum Judicial Magistrate (East/North), Suraj Chettri.  The welcome speech was given by Ward Panchayat, Tshering Gyatso Lepcha while the vote of thanks was delivered by Panchayat member, Dawa Dorjee Lepcha.

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