
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Workshop seeks to make tourism “sustainable, equitable and just”

GANGTOK, 22 Feb [IPR]: “Tourism is a vast sector and eco-tourism, equitable and just tourism is the need of the times,” stressed Speaker, Sikkim Legislative Assembly, KT Gyaltsen, in his inaugural address at a workshop on “Talk for Change for Making Tourism Sustainable Equitable and Just” organized by Impulse NGO Network of Shillong.

Mr. Gyaltsen was also very vocal on how the state government under the stewardship of Chief Minister Pawan Chamling has been making “commendable developments” in the promotion and infrastructural development of tourism in the state and making it a sustainable source of income for the people of Sikkim.
He also thanked the NGO for coming up with such “enlightening” workshops on a vast sector like tourism which is ever-growing.
The workshop was also addressed by Joint Secretary, Tourism & Civil Aviation Department, Prava Rai, and Nisha Bansal of United Nation’s Office on Drugs and Crime, Regional Office for South Asia.
Earlier, team leader, Impulse, Hasina Kharbhih, made a presentation on the initiative of encouraging responsible tourism by engaging stakeholders. The daylong session was attended by various government officials along with the stakeholders.

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