
Thursday, September 17, 2015

Pemayangtse to host grand birth anniv celebrations of Lhatsun Chenpo

Turquoise Thanka dedicated to the Great Master to be unfurled at Pemayangtse Monastery on 22 Oct 

Founder members of the Le’u Dunpa Bumtherma Monlam Chenmo and the authorities of the Sangchen Pemaynagtse Monastery, the seat of Gyalwa Lhatsun Chenpo, have announced plans to celeberate the 360th birth anniversary of Gyalwa Lhatsun Chenpo on 22 Oct 2015.
One of the main aims of the celebration is to pay gratitude to the kindness of Naljor Cheshi in general and Gyalwa Lhatsun Chenpo in particular and to create awareness in Sikkim and the world, the organisers inform. Naljor Cheshi are the Four Noble Brothers who “unlocked” Sikkim as per the prophesy of Guru Rinpoche and installed the Namgyal dynasty here in the 17th Century. Lhatsun Chenpo is one of the four.
One of the unique undertakings as part of the celebrations was to create a giant Yuthang Chenmo (turquoise thanka) since Lhatsun is in turquoise colour by using actual ‘Yu’.
Lopon Tenpa Gyatso and Jamyang Dorjee, the Regional Coordinator of the Conservancy for Trans Himalayan Arts and Culture based in Kathmandu, met famous appliqué master Tendar la, who was a student of the Ven Phuntsok la, Namza Chenmo, personal tailor of the Dalai Lama. For around 10 months, around 12 artisans worked continuously under his supervision creating this thanka.
More than 4 kgs of Turquoise imported from Afghanistan was used besides many precious stones and pearls. Kyabji Yangthang Rinpoche, while supervising the work called this as “Zamling Yuthang Chenmo’. This massive thanka will be unfurled for a public audience on 22 October at Pemayangtse Monastery, it is informed.

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