
Monday, May 4, 2015

Learning Chess from the Masters at Govt schools

After private schools, now government schools have also stepped up efforts to promote the game of Chess among students

Nimtar Junior High School in East Sikkim is the first government school to start Chess classes for its students. Classes began in the first week of this month and are being held after school on Saturdays. Chess instructors have been hired to coach the kids, for which the Headmaster, teachers and other staff have pooled in money.
Similarly, Lumsey Junior High School in East Sikkim has also started chess classes for its students which are held after school on Saturdays. Here too, the Headmaster, teachers and staff of the School have decided to contribute money to pay the fees of instructors.
Leading Chess players of the State, Rakesh Gurung, Sushmita Lama and Pushpa Gurung will be coaching students of Lumsey Junior High School.
Sikkim Chess Association general secretary, Mahendra Dhakal, who is also an International Arbiter from Sikkim, has worked hard to convince schools to introduce Chess as part of the curriculum for the betterment of the young students and for further promotion of the chess in the State.
Speaking to NOW!, Mr. Dhakal thanked headmasters, teachers and staff of both the government schools for supporting the game of chess and encouraging it among students. “The initiative of these schools would definitely bear fruit in days to come by bringing out great chess players,” he said.
Mr Dhakal plans to visit other schools of the State to convince them to start Chess classes as well. He also invited other government and private schools to contact SCA if they are interested in starting chess classes in their schools.

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