
Sunday, January 4, 2015

SKM leaders meet, appoint KP Adhikari as party convenor

GANGTOK, 04 Jan: Sikkim Krantikari Morcha convened a party meeting today and resolved to begin preparing for the urban local body elections scheduled for later this year and also begin work in earnest to reorganize the party and elect office bearers. The party, it may be recalled, had dissolved all its committees and units and nominated the Upper Burtuk MLA PS Tamang [Golay] to continue as party president. Today’s meeting resolved to strengthen the party for the ULB elections through a membership drive and also appointed KP Adhikari as convenor to look after party affairs, an SKM pres release informs. He will be assisted by a 14-member committee which includes former MP PT Gyamtso, TN Dhakal, Phuchung Bhutia and Taraman Rai as advisors. The party MLAs will be members of this advisory committee.
The meeting also decided to celebrate the party’s foundation day on 04 February in a fitting manner.
Meanwhile, the party decided to kick-start campaign mode [for the urban body elections] from today itself by nominating former Gangtok Mayor, KN Topgay, along with former GMC councilor from Burtuk, Nilu Chettri, in charge of preparing for the said elections till a full-fledged committee is formed.
Most of the core members of the dissolved Central Working Committee were present for the meeting today. SKM spokesperson, Dilip Rai, informed that the party had sent out more than 400 letters inviting party workers for the meeting which was called five days ago.
The meeting was also addressed by some of the SKM MLAs. The party as also decided to launch a membership drive from 04 February onwards. It also plans to begin work in rural areas in preparation of the Panchayat elections to be held sometime in 2017, it was informed.
Today’s meeting also discussed and condemned the recent spate of transfer of government servants by the State Government.

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