
Saturday, October 18, 2014

Namchi safai for Swachh Bharat

NAMCHI, 17 Oct [IPR]: A clean up drive at the Car Parking Plaza here under the National Sanitation Campaign was organized on Friday by RM&DD in coordination with Namchi Municipal Corporation for Swachh Bharat Mission, Swachh Namchi. UD&HD Minister NK Subba was present as chief guest accompanied by STDC Chairperson RN Rai, Chairperson Scheduled Tribe Welfare Board Lama Pem Tshering Bhutia, Advisor to the PHE Department Binod Rai alongside Zilla Adhakshya (South) CL Gurung, DC (South) Prabhakar Verma, ADC (Dev) Benu Gurung, Nodal officers from various Departments and members of Local and Mainline Taxi Drivers Association, Fire Brigade and Business Community.
Addressing the gathering, the chief guest underlined the importance of Swachh Bharat Mission. He emphasized that each one’s assistance will be essential in making Swachh Bharat Mission successful. Mr. Subba also suggested formation of a smaller committee from the bazaar area to monitor cleanliness. Mr. Subba informed the gathering that due to rise in population, an efficient and effective waste disposal system should be put in place by the authorities. The Minister also spoke about the importance of the use of dustbins and segregation of waste.
In addition, Mr. Subba spoke about the various amenities required at the plaza and if the amenities were available upgradation of the same to be done. He also spoke about the Nirmal Rajya Award that the state has acquired along with encouraging the gathering to work towards maintaining and sustaining Swachh Bharat Mission in the state through various awareness and reliable programs.
Subsequently, the Minister along with a team of officials conducted a thorough inspection of various parts of Namchi such as the Car Parking Plaza, Central Park, Kazitar Children’s Park, Krishi Bazaar, Dambu Dara. The Minister interacted with the various vendors and highlighted the need to ensure quality control standards laid down for the vendors.
DC (South) welcomed the gathering and spoke about the importance of Swachh Bharat Mission and the commitment to devote 100 hours a year towards cleanliness.

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